MovieChat Forums > Lights Out (2016) Discussion > Darkness Falls was better than this.

Darkness Falls was better than this.

Maybe because I saw that movie when I was 13 and I saw this at age 26. But I found this movie dull as hell.

The scene when I totally lost interest was when the sister and brother got locked in the basement and the sister said "it's a trap!" What a *beep* joke.

Granted, it had some pretty creepy scenes and images. But they were ALL show in the trailer! the opening scene with the dad and fat lady switching off the light, and the scene with the red streetlight outside.

Apart from that, this movie was just boring and laughable at points. The ending especially.


Yup, 100% agree.

The point at which I lost it was when the family is having a rational conversation about Diane being dead, then the mum jumps up like a lunatic screaming "You sound crazy!" And then she's all like "Ghosts aren't real". Jesus, depression doesn't make someone that delusional.

Also the amount of powers they have to give the girl is crazy. Like she's super manipulative, super evil, can fly, has super strength, her bones creak creepily when she moves, etc. etc. They tried way too hard.

Also Darnkess Falls is my favourite childhood horror film!


There's a very simple formula to making a good horror film. Take the audience through an intense and terrifying experience but let the good guys win. And make them worthy of victory. A horror film doesn't become better because the evil entity kills everyone in sight. There are rare occasions where you can have a tragic ending in a horror film and have that totally work for you but the only example I can think of is The Exorcist (and possibly, The Blair Witch Project).

In this film, you could maybe say 'the good guys won' but both the daughter and her boyfriend were artificial and unlikeable. The daughter abandoned her struggling mother at a particularly vulnerable time and her boyfriend was, at best, insipid and at worst, a quasi-emo jack-off mainly interested in repeatedly getting into the daughter's pants. It's the mother that I wanted 'victory' for, in the form of a happy ending. Throughout her life, Sophie (the mother) has been manipulated and controlled by this evil entity (Diana) and in brief moments of lucidity, Sophie calls for help only to not get any. In the end, Sophie kills herself to save unworthy people (except the son).

Darkness Falls, while similar to Lights Out in certain structural and thematic respects, actually feels like an anti-thesis to Lights Out. We have an intense and scary film, worthy protagonists, a consistent evil force and a good ending. This is how you do it right.


Completely disagree. What helped Lights Out standout was surprisingly solid and likeable characters. I actually cared for the sibling duo in this film, unlike in Darkness Falls.

Moreover, Diana is a much stronger figure of menace than the Tooth Fairy. When kept in the dark, Diana was creepy as hell. The Tooth Fairy always felt like a generic movie monster.


Darkness Falls was even more inconsistent than this. It's also a reason why it's a lot worse. Lights Out started out quite good but lost the steam very quickly towards the middle and end.


This film reminded me more of The Ring, but with similarities to Darkness Falls.

The narrative was way too choppy here, and it sped up & slowed down & sped up.....

The ending was too rushed & unoriginal, and we never really get much backstory on Diana either.

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


Atmospheric tension is everything for a good horror movie and a script which isnt retarded and atleast some decent actors but jumpscares never make a good horror movie...jumpscares are for retarded little children with a brain of a 5 year old...cause jump scares are cheap and only bad directors need to use cheap jumpscares to scare small retarded grown ups want some good well made atmospheric tension to like a horror movie...Lights out is all about lame jumpscares that doesnt even work....

~If the realistic details fails, the movie fails~
