Damn, another China-pandering movie
Chinese actors and even a few scenes with Chinese dialogue. I hate when they do this to appeal to the Chinese market.
shareChinese actors and even a few scenes with Chinese dialogue. I hate when they do this to appeal to the Chinese market.
shareIndependence Day 4-2 did this too.
I'm cool with the inclusion, but it just comes off as tokenization in these films.
Also The Meg sucked anyways.
I consider the Chinese pandering a major flaw of Independence Day 2.
China is our adversory. Their government is evil and imprisons people in camps. They deny freedom to their people.
The world turned on South Africa in the 80s and I'm wondering why the double standard?
I felt like the pandering was relatively minor, cause the chinese base got annihilated anyways.
It's not like...uh...what was it...The Martian? Where a chinese rocket was used to help Matt damon or something?
south africa used to be a civilized country tho when whites were in charge
shareIt's a business and this expands their profits considerably. I don't blame them. It broke a half billion in ticket sales, most of which was overseas, so it looks like the right call.
shareYeah, I noticed that too.
Quite a diverse cast as well!
I guess they gotta sell tickets though.