Please read ...
For obvious reasons of denialism , racism, and adversity, Turks, Azeris, and Pakistanis have already voted to demean this movie, despite the fact that it isn't even out in the theaters yet !
So, dear Non-Armenians: make your own judgement about this movie *only* after watching it: you can read all the insanity and animosity and the "fair game" racism that's out there against our people, but History is undeniable, and the Armenian Genocide is an unequivocal event of a dark chapter in World War I.
Germany has recently issued an apology to the Armenian people, for being an accomplice to the atrocities committed by Turkey during WWI.
You see, Germans had blood on their hands way before the holocaust , but at least they have the class and nobility to accept and learn from their mistakes.
Furthermore, a great article was published in Forbes about this movie in recent days, to explain the relentless efforts by Turkish lobbyists to debase it , and to launch a campaign of Hate and Denialism.
Shame on Turkey.