MovieChat Forums > War Machine (2017) Discussion > America's such a show off...when they en...

America's such a show off...when they entered war in 1941

...they were shat look at a big head hey??? when are they gonna go down the pooper?
can't wait....

Oh what a day. What a lovely day!


america's involvement ill include canada as well in the western front was a big reason why the western front pushed the nazis back

so talk all you want without the united states you'd be sucking hitler's dong


They didnt push anything back.....Russia took care of the Nazis....america just swooped in and pretended to be the hero.

Oh what a day. What a lovely day!


As though we didn't bomb destroy much of their manufacturing and resources (with the help of the British).....and we also gave a huge amount of supplies to Russia (vehicles, raw materials, etc). Anyone who truly believes the US had nothing to do with destroying Germany is just delusional and ignorant.


How do you figure they were scared?
