MovieChat Forums > Untitled Star Trek: Beyond Sequel Discussion > Been a faithful Star Trek fan since the ...

Been a faithful Star Trek fan since the original series ...

it is no longer fun or interesting to watch these rotten sequels with no point that get worse and worse and try to solve that by making them faster and faster and louder and louder. They are not getting my money every again. No more Star Trek, Star Wars, Alien-whatever, Indiana Jones, .... it is disgusting how rotten Hollywood has treated us.


The world doesn't revolve around you glad it doesnt


He's not the only one.


But you revolve around my every comment. Booooo!


close minded individuals and bigots like General Chang


I won't see it either. I think they're doing way too much Star Trek as it is. Time to give the franchise a rest.



Hollywood, trying to increase the Star Trek base by making the series less intelligent more action oriented, has killed off most of the true fans who kept this series going.

It might have worked short term, but the franchise is slowly dieing as Trek fans watch the new series movies and become more jaded.

Hollywood has to smarten up and get hold of a good script with a better mixture of intelligence and action.


Responding a year later to your post, which is still 100% true. I also hate how recent Trek series have chosen to go dystopian. Trek should be about hope. Yes, the makers of those series claim they're just reacting to the tone of current troubled times ... but in such times, a glimpse of hope is needed all the more.


The new series are depressing. I like the Kelvin films better.


I can't believe that I agree with you 100% on something! LOL! This is a miracle!


It is a sign you are progressing in life.


I haven’t been interested in seeing anything since Nemesis and I wish I hadn’t seen that.
