Could've been really great.
This movie had the potential to be great. I like slow builds so I'm not turned off by them. But this just was slow build for two whole hours. Way too long of a time till something really starts happening. The first 45 minutes or so though I kept saying oh this is going to be fantastic this is going to build into something absolutely amazing. But no. It was just meh. That's a shame too because the cinematography, the locations, the buildings, the set pieces, everything visual was just absolutely amazing. And the surreal dreamlike quality of the film was great as well. That pretty much makes up the whole movie really because it just droned on too long before finally giving you some meat. I started getting bored of it after an hour and a half saying what the hell when's something great going to happen. Very disappointing. Could have been so much more. The one thing about the movie that I knew fairly early on was that Jason Isaac's character was the Baron.
So anyway, here's the full movie if anyone's interested in watching it. No ads, no pop-ups, no sign in, no registration. Just click on the video and it'll start in a few seconds.