First i have to say i really really liked this film and it really didn't deserve all the hate that got just because is a film that you should think about, because films today really lack such high quality of commitment and originality.
Now the ending
During the car crash early in the film there are shown very quick flashbacks and images of the events that happend in the end of the film.
Why Lockhart got flashbacks of the events that happend in future. Did any of those events happend before?
Because if you think about it a lot of things that happend don't even have a logical sense, how could Dr. Heinreich Volmer/Baron von Reichmerl and his daughter lived 300 years just with the "cure" and there is no resolution of the arch of Lockhart and his father. There are a lot of things that don't add up and make no sense in a clear narrative.
My conclusion is that none of the things that we saw in film ever happend in real time but they things and events that happend before. All the people that we saw in film are ghosts tortured from the past and repeating events that happend before.