What? No 3D Blu-ray?!?
So, they announced the home video releases for this movie, and it seems there won't be any 3D release. Wich is a shame (well, outrageous), because the IMAX 3D was great in this movie. It's such a waste of good work. Paramount movies have the best 3D work anyways. I can't believe they wont make it available. They actually did the same thing with M:i-6. Which I could live with, but this is Transformers! Visuals are everything here! I hope it's not gonna be a new tendency at Paramount, because homes are full if 3D players and TVs, and there is a massive 3D collectors base for this kind of stuff. Where should I sign for a Bumblebee 3D Blu-ray???
(And please don't come to talk about the unnecessary function of 3D etc, this post is not for you. There's clearly a bunch of us who love the format.)