
After enjoying 'Krisha' so much I was keen to see what Trey Edward Shults did next. He doesn't disappoint with this. Superbly tense, and with a chilling atmosphere of dread, this is a post apocalyptic psych chiller. This movie will probably get lots of hate from those who are expecting a horror film. Because it's not a horror film.

The paranoia and isolation that the family go through must have been quite personal to Shults as he has spoken about his losses quite openly. There was not a single dud performance, so much so that it's difficult to pick a stand out. Plus, the score by Brian McOmber is absolutely spot on in nailing the creepy dread at every corner.

A director that will go from strength to strength. 8/10


I agree it was great


You clearly watched a different movie from me then.

I think the movie (quite rightly) will got a lot of hate, not because it's not a horror film, but because it's shite on so many different levels.

Go watch John Carpenter's 'The Thing' (1982), not the 2011 remake that Joel Edgerton stared in and stole the premise from but the original.

Then come back and tell me that you think the story is an original idea.

Nailing the "paranoia" and "creepy dread at every corner" - seriously, are you associated with this film and this is an attempt at marketing it because there is no "paranoia" and "dread" in this movie!

There's nothing, it's a pointless, empty, vacuous POS that belongs in the bargain bin at your local shopping mall.


I'm pretty sure we watched the same film. I never said its' brilliance lay in its' originality. There are barely any original films made these days. It Comes at Night was a very good at what it tried to do. You didn't like it. Fair enough. But your attempts to provoke and belittle by asking if I'm associated with the film just paint a picture of someone who doesn't understand the movie. No I'm not associated with the film, I just enjoyed it very much. The Thing is also fantastic by the way. That fact has no bearing on how good It Comes at Night is though.


Nostromo I understand the movie just perfectly, that's the problem it's whole existence is just pathetic and pointless - there is NOTHING to understand or interpret. I'm not attempting to "provoke" or "belittle" anyone, I simply can't understand how a fellow human being could take anything positive away from this movie, let alone officially go on record on this forum saying that this movie is "Fantastic" and singing the praises on the director.

I had a quick look on IMDB to read the latest reviews to see if I was alone in my feelings and fortunately I was relieved to see that my despair of humanity wasn't as low as I'd feared and that plenty of other like minded people realized that they'd wasted 90 minutes of their life on this mess of a movie.

I guess we now live in a world where cinema goers are so used to being force fed the crap that Hollywood shovels out on a regular basis to the masses that very few people are now left to spot a real stinker when they see one.

I truly fear for the future of Cinema if there are people in this world that can honestly hand on heart declare that in their opinion "It comes at Night" is a "Fantastic" film.


I gave it an 8/10 and thought it was sublime


I also enjoyed it. Just because you didn't like it doesn't mean nobody on the planet has the right to like it. We don't need your permission. You didn't like it, that's alright, now move on.


So you don't want to provoke or belittle anyone, but you say you "can't understand how a fellow human being could take anything positive away from this movie" and you "truly fear for the future of Cinema if there are people in this world that can honestly hand on heart declare that in their opinion "It comes at Night" is a "Fantastic" film."

If you truly despair that someone liked a film you didn't, then I'm fairly sure you need to seek some advice for your despair, as it's only a difference of opinion. It's just a film you didn't like. The "future of cinema" as you put it, doesn't hinge on whether I should re-evaluate my assessment of this film because a chap called Pooterman on an internet chat forum says it's not very good.

Fortunately, other people can also see how good it was, as illustrated below.


Concluded that the best thing to do is agree to disagree, the film is a disaster imho and the masses seem to agree and that seriously makes me happy on this occasion. I've worked within the cinematic media industry for nearly 30 years and I am constantly sickened to the back teeth of movie stuidio's dirty tactics such as continually offering editorials such as ours 'bungs' for writing positive reviews or offering students money to post positive comments on sub-par movies on movie/movie magazine related internet forums in the hope they can reap back some of the inevitable lost revenue due to the film turning out to be a dud (word of mouth and social media being the final nail in the coffin for it) I failed to see how you could sing the praises on such a shallow pointless film and I put it down to this being yet another fake review that is becoming so common place that I'm almost becoming desensitized to it which is a worrying foreboding for the future of the movie industry and how they decide on blatant lying to market their products. Thus ends my reasoning for my initial approach to your post, if it's an honest review then so be it everyone is entitled to their opinion and as my dear old father used to say "opinions are like arseholes, everybody has one".


It really tickles me that you say "If it's an honest review....."

Like the possibility of someone, anyone, anywhere in the world actually enjoying a movie that YOU don't like, is so remote. that the chances of a human being writing an actual positive review on it are minuscule.

Funny stuff.


Are you saying he stole the premise from a movie that was a remake/prequel? I'm pretty sure that movie gave plenty of credit to the original and even used the same title!
