Did I understand this right? spoilers ahead
So, Ren's main goal in developing this was to get her brother out of his coma - and has a conflict with dad about this.
When her partner Sam pursues the 'virtual prison' confinement application of the software, she is displeased and after her bad judgment letting her boyfriend use it and die (he died in real life but not in the alternate experience which Ren lived after she 'broke out').
Back in the real world after she comes out, she wants out of the company and in the middle of the fight with Sam, she subjects him to one year or virtual confinement so that he can, feel how terrible it really is? Then what is implied, that he sees the light and has an ethical awakening? Kind of anticlimactic?
The last scene is Ren and father coming to a closure by letting her brother Jared die, then she goes to the spot of the accident (real life I assume).
I wanted to like it more than I did. Did I miss something big here that would have made me like it more?