A total insult to the original, Hollywood movies feel more like political papers than actual movies these days. Everything must fit the diversity quote and highlight the mandatory political (gender, sexuality, race) talking points. It is obnoxious and nobody is honestly asking for it.
Haven't seen it but is anyone surprised? I think I saw an online news article saying production was made up entirely of women. If the crew were all men the crazies would lose their minds. True female privilege if you ask me.
To be fair, no one is asking you to complain about it either. Like we haven’t heard exactly the same argument on the page of every film that isn’t straight down the line traditional fair and includes diverse characters or themes.
Your point had been made. A bazillion fucking times.
Care to elaborate on why? You know, perhaps discuss the script, performances, cinematography, direction.. like film lovers used to do before they replaced that with crying every time they see a sign of diversity in a movie?
Or do you just want to leave it at “woke” and “sucks”?
Actually, it's enough to leave it at 'it's woke, it sucks'. Woke movies are bad because the main goal is to indoctrinate the viewer in their faith (wokeness), or to reinforce that faith in those people who believe.
You don't need to analyze each and every one of them independently. They're bad for the same reasons, which are similar reasons why Christian movies are bad.
This is a great video about the topic. It's about Christian movies, but it can be applied to Woke ones, you only need to translate the differences between both faiths (White males in woke movies take the place of Atheists in Christian ones, for example). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9DVPoohilY
and other one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50_3J6Go5Ng
The main problem is that the characters feel contrived because the sole purpose is to make them fit into the political woke ideology. The dialogue feels forced and the casting stereotypical.
Absolutely shocking that you would chime in to support the abandonment of critical thought and analysis of the finer points of film making in favour of writing off everything with a single word. Who ever would have guessed?
I still have no idea what what this film is even about, let alone a true critique of why it’s a badly made film. All I know from you and your OP chum is that it’s woke. Move over Leonard Maltin 🙄
I would completely expect a decades later sequel to a pretty average movie to be horrible. I think my point has sailed way over your head and into the ether.
Cool, I’ll check out reviews from people who can write them 👍
Knew you'd be here to join the woke/sucks train. Do you scan specifically for "woke"?It's sad and you might consider other outlets to sublimate your frustration with a changing world? Woke won't stop because people complain about it.
The writing was bad. The story made little sense, especially the latter part of the film. They glossed over the discovery of the power that was very important in the original to display that only one of them actually had power and the others just believed they had it. The editing is atrociuos, for example the day-night transition when they arrive at the fathers house.
I also think portraying the main cast like some ghetto trash instead of outcasts with complex backgrounds like in the original was a bad decision.
I liked the original so I will be checking this out. Woke hysteria won't put me off watching it, if it did I wouldn't be able to watch any new movies these days. So sick of people crying woke.
It's honestly pretty bad. I'm gonna paste some stuff I wrote over on r/horror:
"There was a lot of plot threads missing, or dropped. Also, the entire 3rd act lasted about 5 minutes between when the bad guy was revealed, and then killed.
And while I'm ranting: the characters barely had any characterization. The first half of the film had no stakes or much conflict. And, when they finally do present some, it's immediately dropped so they can wrap it up with the aforementioned 5-minute 3rd act that was in no way built up. We also never learn about the motivations of the villain or his group beyond some vaguery.
I'll give it a 2/10, just because it was shot in focus and I didn't see any boom mics in frame. Also, the main girl seemed promising and could have done more with better material."
The Craft was overtly feminist and openly denounced classism, racism and sexism. Legacy isn't doing most of that, and what it is doing, it's not doing as loudly or as defiantly. As for diversity quota, it's not much different to the original. You can say you don't like this film - personally, I have my own issues with it - but it's "wokeness" only mimics the original.
They cast a spell on him to be more open minded. That's not more woke than what they did to Chris, where they basically enslaved him and then murdered him. The film also shows a much more progressive version of the typical evil white male in Timmy. Yeah, maybe he could be called woke, but at least it's not going the route of showing that all white men are evil.
This film jumped around. The first film--even though it was geared towards teen girls was easy to figure out in a minute.
New girl moves in, hooks up in a catholic (lol) school with the 'odd' girls who want to be witches...but she is the only real witch and one goes bonkers bc she cannot handle it.
I tried here and could not get through it. I could have fanficed a better script.