MovieChat Forums > Collateral Beauty (2016) Discussion > Is this film bad because...

Is this film bad because...

... it's a blatant Bloscar (black Oscar) grab, or is it just bad?


This may sound cliché. But the critics didn't get it. They were focusing on the plan of (avoiding spoilers) of his friends.

I am the Alpha and the Omoxus The Omoxus and the Omega


Nah that's fair enough - I've enjoyed films that have been panned by critics. So would you say this film is worth a shot, despite what critics say?


Yes. My mother and I almost cried 4 times History of Christmas


Can your mother confirm this?

That's what makes you an amalgam. Nailed it.


This movie won't win any Oscars, but it's well worth going to see. My wife and I both enjoyed it. A lot of the people who are badmouthing it completely missed the fact that it is a fantasy.


This movie is for braindead schmoes.

This was the anti entertaining movie.


It's bad because all the people praising this, or the ones who put this together, are doing way more crying than thinking. It's a senselessly constructed film, hiding key plot points til much later in the film because it thinks plot twists will give it more self importance when really those same plot twists still make no sense in the scope of the film. It condescends to those experiencing real grief and loss by preaching to them what they should be doing. And it's main plot is about as cruel a thing as you can do to a person.

Trying to create a channel based on interpreting, reviewing, and even giving you something to laugh about film. Hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance.

Review of the film here-


This was a real stinker, because it misses all the real points of losing someone you love, iit is superficious, preachy, have a ridiculous plot point, and is, like C-Younkin said- very insulting and condecending to the concept of real grief.

It is the movie equivalent of a bad facebook post that is shared around all the people who doesnt realize that pseudo philosophy is not deep; it is just pointless.


I've read the actual plot of this movie, which is about a man losing his daughter and having a miserable life afterwards. He writes letters to Time, Love, and Death while his so called "friends" are planning to hire actors they call Time, Love, and Death in a film they're making of the conversations those three actors have with Will Smith. During filming, the "friends" choose to delete the actors while editing their clips and release them to everyone to show Smith as a crazy guy talking to himself. After that happens, Smith will get fired while their "friends" focus on their daily jobs without him.


Just wow.

I have no idea what to say to that incredibly cynical, amazingly harsh summary.

I'm glad I didn't see it.


I saw some movies last year that were just poorly conceived in every way imaginable (like even the actors were atrocious actors) but I was still so much more offended by this godawful thing and that usually smart people like Helen Mirren, Michael Pena, Edward Norton, and Will Smith (even though he'll do some stinkers quite a bit) would sign up for it.


Very worth watching, enjoying, and crying over,too, if you feel..but it really looks like a M.Night Shymalan kind of thing with the real identities of Death and the others..I mean, REAL PEOPLE? ACTORS? This nearly-year old film is neverthless, somethin' to watch, anyhow.


no desire to see it


Then (quote Tootsie pop closing) you'll never know. :D


what ???


Just a reference that unless you see it, you'll never know if you like it..
