This show has all the solemnity of a sorority initiation ceremony...
or a reality bachelor show rose presentation. These blades will likely end up in YouTube videos. The Shaolin Temple vibe is a bit much.
shareor a reality bachelor show rose presentation. These blades will likely end up in YouTube videos. The Shaolin Temple vibe is a bit much.
shareSolemnity? They're beer drinking (probably) metal smiths doing what they love, and the judges don't have to prove themselves to anyone.
No one is fighting a war with their weapons, or demonstrating any martial arts techniques.
Did you expect Tibetan monks making sand art, fire-walking for purification, or muted Gregorian chants being piped in? They're in a warehouse off of a busy street with mini blast fire forges, for goodness sakes!
BOHICA America!
I would have more respect for the show if the host and judges were in fact drinking beer throughout the show. But they aren't. The producers present this show in a dead serious manner, with subdued voices and dramatic long pauses. In one episode, the martial arts expert judge evaluated a blade with "(long pause)...I would go into combat with this blade." And as has been noted in other posts here, the "this blade will kill" line is ridiculous and creepy. I don't expect the judges to prove anything. I do expect them to cut out the cheesy performances.
sharewith out them the show would be kinda dull/boring...