Morally wrong messages

I thought that the whole Aitor being gay and therefore thrown out of the team was awful. Usually they (movies) support gay people, but this wasnt the case. It was disgusting to see a gay person being bullied and discriminated against and actually being tossed off the team. I would understand that Aitor was traded off because of his high cost to the team, but because the enviroment created of him being gay. Absolutely appalling.


i agree in a way that i hated chavi's behaviour but had to admire him standing alosian vivancos' character.

what comes to mind is that there are still many countries that are much more repressed than others concerning sexuality.

like chavi said isabelle's best friends were gay. but because the public reacted to badly and i think mainly because chavi had *beep* up so much. they the board, isabelle and mary luz took this scandal and worked it in their favor to stop chavi.

it might have been gone differently if everything else had been running smoothly before the pics were leaked.

and even though i agree that it would have been nice to see the guy staying and the others making peace with it. it really wouldn't have fit in the narration.

someone posted that alosian vivancos character was the first pan sexual on mexican tv that does count for something. at least for me.

my 2 cts. :-)


It's good that you felt that way because I think that was the purpose. Sadly, in Mexico this is a fair representation of how things would unfold, especially in the football (soccer) world and especially in a small, conservative town like Nuevo Toledo. It's social criticism I believe and that is reflected by Chava and Isabel's own attitudes towards the issue, who due to their money are more culturally exposed and have more progressive mindsets. Even if Isabel ends up supporting the decision to throw out Aitor, you can see in one scene that she feels really bad about it, having gay friends herself. This in itself is another interesting point by the show, how people will often compromise their moral values for money.


Every show does not have to send a "good message" and overall this show is really funny and lighthearted.

It is just a show but you should know that not every single person in real life will be as accepting as you'd like.

Also, this is set in Mexico, in a small town. You can't really expect much from people like that. Anyways, I'm sure most viewers felt the same way as you did.

EDIT: I hadn't made it through the whole season when I read this. In fact, I had only made it to the episode where Aitro was first introduced. Anyways, you act like Aitro was such an Angel. He was a HUGE *beep* A cocky freaking prick. He deserved every bit of it for how he acted. Also he was a huge pervert. He got in everyone's space. He touched Chava's dick, then started hugging Moi and whispering really odd things in his ears.

Do you really think they'd bully him if he wasn't such a perverted prick?

I actually really like Aitor but he is a prick and deserved it.
