MovieChat Forums > Slasher (2016) Discussion > Cam and a show of his own

Cam and a show of his own

Too bad they killed Cam off. He would have made a great character in a show of his own as the hot, yet psychotic serial killer. Anyone think Steve Byers should get a show of his own as a psycho serial killer and if no, why not?


That would be awesome. I'd watch Steve Byers open an envelope.



I'm pretty disappointed he got killed off! I really didn't think much of the character until the last 2 episodes. I wish they took more time to explore him as a character.


Me too. I did like him the whole time but they should have gone more into his character. I'd have had him live and escape too because then they could bring him into other shows as the Executioner.


Same here. They shouldn't have killed him off.


wait guys! HE KILLED TONS OF PEOPLE!! yes he's hot as f^ck but Cam deserved his fate. that being said, i would like it if Steve Byers returned for season 2 as a different character. i think he did a pretty good job in season 1.


I know, I'm so twisted to be defending Cam the way I do, but I'd have totally helped him get away. I think if I was a witness, I would have even pinned it all on Sarah and Dylan. "No Officer, Sarah and Dylan are the killers, honest." Of course then Cam would turn back into psycho serial killer and killed me for the sin of lying. Oh Cam, you devilish charmer you.


tim, no, i totally understand where you're coming from with Cam. :)


Yeah, Mr. Hot psycho killer needs to be revived on this show - or have his own show. I knew he was the Executioner by around the 4th episode. Still...I wished they kept him on. He was perhaps the more interesting character on the show - like a Dr.Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Law enforcer, judge, juror, savior, killer, loyal friend, husband, lover, devout son... I enjoyed Cam more than most of the other characters ironically, and was hoping he and Sarah would have had a happier ending together.


Nice spoiler alert
