Did the writer dislike cops?
Three cops. One is a murderer, kidnapper and rapist, one is a psychotic serial killer and the other one is an incompetent idiot. Thoughts?
shareThree cops. One is a murderer, kidnapper and rapist, one is a psychotic serial killer and the other one is an incompetent idiot. Thoughts?
shareNothing screams 'trustworthy chief' like 'child rapist'. But yeah totally agree with everything.
shareI noticed that as well. Maybe they were going off of the "Even the people who are supposed to be good are bad" theme, but this show went out of its way to portray cops in a bad light, apart from the usual incompentant-police-in-horror trope.
shareA sad reality folks. Not saying all cops are bad but in a small town where everyone knows each other, laws can bend pretty easily and things get swept under the rug. Of course I'm not talking to this extreme but you never know.
shareYou may as well say the writers didn't like small town people much. None of the characters from that town were very good people. They were all a bunch of freaks, hypocrites, cheats and sleaze bags. Hell the two reports were two of the sleaziest people on the show and were responsible for a few deaths themselves.
I always say the absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence.
--- Gin Rummy
I got that feeling too, but i gotta agree with sammich. They were all messed up. I wanted to like Lisa Ann cause physically she's so hot, but then she told the story about her husband.