Marlon Wayans should be banned from making movies.
"Fifty Shades of Black" continues to show on a repeated basis, that Marlon Wayans should not be allowed in any films whatsoever because he cannot act to save his life or those of his brothers, and he is about as an immature writer as he is an actor. He makes Adam Sandler look like Clark Gable. Deplorable. This is a trashy 'comedy' that is supposed to be a funny homage to the not-so-good movie itself "Fifty Shades of Gray". It is a total waste of time, and I would rather be slathered with Jif and tossed into a cage with starving pit bulls that to be close to this rot again! Even Jane Seymour and Fred Willard are wasted here. After seeing this movie you will want to go out and get wasted too. This movie is racists towards itself, and it has no redeeming value at all. I wish the movie was as sexy as the poster, but it was anything but. Avoid at all costs. Contracting herpes would be more entertaining. Half a star out of 4 stars.