Someone is leaving.

According to tvguide someone is leaving by the end of the season. They don't say who but it sounds like the person will die.

Anyone have any guesses as to who it might be?

"It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live, remember that."


I think it could be April.


This is who I was thinking too. I think Aprils s/l is ridiculous wouldn't surprise me if the actress decide to cut her loss and exit


Hopefully it's Halstead, but i doubt it.

Maybe Dr. Charles or maybe Reese.

Or it could be Sharon and someone on staff moves up to her position.

Fraaaank. FRANK! Get my jean bin. Susie wants my jeans.
No she doesnt.


Aw I like Dr. Halstead, but I also like April and think she will be the one to die; she's one of my favorites. I was hoping Severide/April would've kept in touch b/c they were such good friends at one time, and I kind of thought Severide would be her love interest. I guess the writers went another route, besides Severide is getting his OWN love interest real soon. I hope I'm wrong and its not April also I don't want Dr. Halstead to die either.

Off Topic:

Colin Donnell aka Dr. Connor Rhodes is MY favorite doctor on the show, he's so hot!! I just read that in real life he's married to Patti Murin aka Dr. Nina Shore on Chicago Med, which everyone probably knew already.

I also like a lot the actress Torrey DeVitto aka Dr. Natalie Manning and on Pretty Little Liars another show I watch, her character's name is Melissa Hastings and she's NOTHING like the sweet doctor she plays on Chicago Med.


I don't want to see any of them leave


I hope it isn't Maggie since she gets arrested yet again but over a patient she saved last year.


the man Natalie is messingwith

Make yourself happy before you’re going to make anyone else happy!



I hope it's Reese, I just don't care for the character.

Knock if off Napolean make yourself a dang quesadil-la!


I think it will be Dr. Charles.

Libera te tu temet ex inferis.
pro ego sum diabolus, pro ego sum nex.


It's gotta be Clarke. Now that natalie broke up with him there is zero reason for him to still stick around.

Story line will be that he graduated med school and took a residency program at another hospital.
