I have to agree. And I find there are quite a lot of different GSW's and OD's.
That being said, I get it. If the hospitals see more OD's and GSW's and they don't portray it, it's kind of misrepresented and that would be frustrating. However...
Some of the diseases that people get on the show, would NEVER be discovered in a simple ED visit. It would take months and months and months and months to get a diagnosis.
No psych would be able to diagnose all the patients that Dr. Charles does in thirty seconds.
Also, doesn't Chicago have a children's hospital of some sort? Unless it was life threatening, I would think they would take the kids there.
Dr. Manning is not an oncologist. She would not have treated that girl with cancer.
i could go on and on. I do like the show, but I have to watch it as just that. I can't think of any of it as reality. Because I can assure you, in a way it isn't. The diseases are real...but. How quickly they are diagnosed often isn't. And where are the flu patients, the people with colds, the people who need a stitch or two? That probably makes up a good 75% of the people who would typically visit an ED.
One other note. I will be honest, I don't know much about the flesh-eating disease. Or how it is diagnosed. I will say that the doctor that lost his license for not taking the guy with a pimple on his arm seriously made me roll my eyes. Maybe there are routine labs the doctor could have sent him for that would have diagnosed him or something, but I felt that was a stretch.
Just my two cents. The storylines are real, but not real at the same time. But it's not real for everyone, not just the absent GSW and OD storylines.