Who has a better way of dealing with overpopulation, Thanos or Poppy?
Okay, in "Infinity Wars", Thanos decides to deal with galactic overpopulation by randomly killing 50% of the population. There's a certain fairness in the randomness, he doesn't judge anyone, he doesn't decide that one person is fit to live and another is not. He just kills half of them.
Poppy, on the other hand, is all set to kill everyone who uses recreational drugs, which is totally judgmental! But IMHO it's as good a method of picking people for a random unexpected death as any, it not only ends the suffering of many and eliminates certain drains on society, but it also takes out the idle rich and people with more money than sense, and thereby frees up no end of resources for the survivors!
Yeah, Poppy's method is definitely better.