Anyone else seen it yet? It's a great anim err cartoon flick.
Everyone gets involved and it's nice to see that at least in every other alternate universe in the multi-verse, the first original spider-man is almost like the sensei for the new guys starting out or just alternate variations of a 'Peter Parker'.
It's nice that you can sort of relate to Miles in away since he has so many flaws but is helped along the way to make him a better, stronger character from the wimpy one he started out as. Like Miles, I can't sing the lyrics to a song but I can go along with the beat (Think he was humming a Drake song). :p
Good to see Stan Lee make a cameo in this before he passed (hopefully in Avengers Endgame as well).
I am guessing there could possible be a sequel since we see somehow Gwen trying to contact Miles somehow even though the dimension machine was destroyed at the ending.
Couldn't make it to see the post-credit scene with Spider-Man 2099 doing some meme of sort since Mortal Engines was the next show on my list to watch.