I hate anti-SJWs

I hate feminism/SJWs, but the anti community is just as bad. They're so constantly triggered by everything. It seems like every movie, TV show or video game is attacked by one side. Some are attacked by the SJW side for being sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc. Some are attacked by the anti side for being "SJW propaganda", pandering, etc. I'd like to remind everyone that this movie is a fucking true story. Do you want them to tell it inaccurately so it fits your narrative? If you do, you're exactly like the people you hate, and are proving their point.


What if you were just to ignore them and pretend they don't exist, would that be even helpful?


("Ah, but then all that probably will happen is that they will go underground from which they could continue sprouting and possibly secretly but still acting on their rotten philosophies, they wouldn't JUST disappear and die down or become better as people". Right?)


It's a true story, but it was full of PC signalling in nearly every shot in order to promote the current political agenda regarding wicked patriarchal white males. The only male characters who weren't vilified in some way were (of course) the gay guys.


Men have had millennia to bask in patriarchy. We should have broad enough shoulders by now.


Couldnt agree more Mike

Im constantly seeing "Political correctness ruined this film" threads , but when drawn on it they will rarely explain wtf they are blathering about.
The people who claim not to be offended by anything sure do a lot of whining.
I constantly see posts on Facebook along the lines of "If my posts offend you , fuck off snowflake , i'm made of sterner stuff.."

you rarely see the actual "snowflakes" or even SJWs doing their thing , just people being angry about them


You Don't need to see snowflakes or SJW on these forums. The movie in itself is doing their jobs.

The movie could have been moderate and intelligent : people go see women playing tennis so they are entitled equal pay, let's beat Bobby. But no. The whole movie's point was to degrade men. It's called "battle of the sexes" but it could easily be renamed "eradiction of the male" "or "men slavery". This movie is not about equality but about how men are not Worth to live at all, except maybe to produce heirs.

You Don't have to analyze it very much. All the women are almost perfect. All the men are flawed. Plus the super PC.

1. Bobby is chauvinist and a gambler;
2. The husband is cuckold but still nice to her wife;
3. Another husband does the babysitting so her wife can have a career;
4. The gay men are a caricature;
5. The gentleman is a dinosaur;

On the other side :

1. Bobby's wife is the perfect forgiven wife;
2. Billie is perfect;
3. the two lesbians are both strong indpendent women;
4. The whole women team is near perfection (except one who is a little jealous and gets beat by Bobby);

Zero subtlety. Billie happens to also be a lesbian. So a super cheesy sub-plot about that and her new flame. It was so emphasized it was embarrassing.

So it's not about that it's a true story or not. the filmaker made many choices and purposefully put the emphasis on some elements rather others.


Hey, it's the true story of the time a lesbian feminist scored a huge public victory over a chauvinist! Of COURSE its PC! Who else would make a movie about that incident, except people who sided with the lesbian feminist?

That said, Riggs was the most complex and enjoyable life character in the movie. Carrell stole the show.


So a guy acted like a dick once , and then got his ass handed to him by a feminist. those are the facts.
..and you're upset that the guy is portrayed as a dick?




Mark, im surprised of your comment which let me think you did not read my post except maybe the first line. Though I Don't think the story of the movie was really relevant, I would have been ok with a "guy acted like a dick once and then got his ass handed to him by a feminist". But the whole movie was much more than that, which was a deliberate and political choice from the movie maker.

I will add it doesn't take a lot of courage to do such a movie these days. It would have been brave in 1950. In 2018 it looks more like resentment. Or what about a movie how women are treated in Saudi Arabia today ? That would be much more relevant and courageous in my opinion.


Not really replying to your points, but I wanted to jump in and say I wonder how "true" this true story is? I was around during this event, and it was a big question whether BJK could beat him, and it may not have been accepted that she is a lesbian. I was a little young then. But even then I think I could tell he was milking the limelight and playing it for laughs. Hey, at some point a young good female player is going to be able to beat an older guy. But it was a fun time. I like Stone and I'll bet Carell is good in this. Hope I run across this before I forget about it again.


I can agree with you.

I'm all for social and political debate, but theres a time and place. I wish these guys would stick to political and news sites rather than movie forums. Unfortunately, they don't care how annoying they are. So, we just need to ignore the politics and tell them to find another forum.


No political group "owns" this forum, nor should they expect to.

Which is why I avoid the boards dedicated to politicians.


I spent a bit of time on the Trump board but have gotten a little tired of the nastiness. I'll still weigh in randomly when people say dumb stuff but I'm trying to keep it short and not go back and forth.


I come here to discuss movies, dammit! Okay, a discussion of movies can veer into all sorts of other topics including politics, because movies like this do touch on political issues such as feminism, but I definitely don't come here to talk politics.

The level of political debate here is not exactly stellar, so I avoid the political boards.


"I wish these guys would stick to political and news sites rather than movie forums."

I do too. It's become rampant, politics infecting so many boards, and aspects of life in general. I can understand it occasionally becoming a topic here, but this is overwhelming.


I hear you, and thanks for mentioning this rather modest film.
