MovieChat Forums > Mercy Street (2016) Discussion > poor mix of historical fact and modern/r...

poor mix of historical fact and modern/revisionist writing

there is just enough of the former to greatly attract one to this show, but too much of the latter is simply repellent. as a student of civil war history and more simply: an educated, thinking adult, this show fails greatly to impress.

to wit; the over-attempts at "mostly-fake 1860's speak" most severely fouled with 21st century mindsets.

(yes, i saw the featurette on how important it was for PBS to get everything correct; another GOVT subsidy fail.)

and yes: great costumes, production design, etc. (as can be had anywhere these days) ? too bad there's more soap than story, and the more refined elements of writing (specific dialogue, character action) simply fail to deliver or come across as reasonably acceptable.

these are my thoughts and mine alone; i am not initiating a debate.

however you think is of no concern to me.


"these are my thoughts and mine alone; i am not initiating a debate.

however you think is of no concern to me."

This literally did make me laugh out loud. Such arrogance. Do you really think that what you have to say about this show is so profound that is just had to be stated and no one dare respond to your "wit?"

" another GOVT subsidy fail." Yep, laughing at you for this too.


The dangerous thing about being on a high horse is you could fall off and break a leg


Without specificity, your point is lost and your post is useless.

"It ain't dying I'm talking about, it's LIVING!"
Captain Augustus McCrae


Let's face it. Brits are great at producing period films. They have a lot of experience. American period films always have problems getting language, attitudes, etc. right. They want them to correspond to current attitudes and make them accessible to young audience - and they almost never get it right.


I agree, although there's one major exception for American productions: Mad Men. We seem to do better with recent history.

"Walt is a racist, moronic, troll. Ignore his stupid ass." -- I_Destroy_Stalkers


Don't think that was too difficult as there are plenty of people still alive who lived through that era and could act as advisors.


Even more than that, I think it's the mentality. American producers seem to feel that anything set earlier than WWII needs to be "modernized" for viewers to be drawn in. It's as if they want to emphasize the unfamiliarity of recent history while emphasizing the familiarity of (relatively) distant history.

God forbid American audiences should be expected to watch a costume drama without characters who sleep around, swear, smack each other, etc.

"Walt is a racist, moronic, troll. Ignore his stupid ass." -- I_Destroy_Stalkers


My all time favorite - and I can't remember which one it was - had a (female) character respond "whatever".


"Walt is a racist, moronic, troll. Ignore his stupid ass." -- I_Destroy_Stalkers


Boardwalk Empire and Hell on Wheels as well.


To the OP- then why bother to even post it if your not interested in initiating a debate/response?

however you think is of no concern to me either. So keep it to yourself.


(yes, i saw the featurette on how important it was for PBS to get everything correct; another GOVT subsidy fail.)

If you research it I think you'll find PBS gets very little from the government anymore.


Look, I was there. And it was all exactly like this.

You damnable, gibbering harpies who call yourselves the "specialists" and "scholars".... If you weren't there, you don't know!

Case CLOSED!!!



The reality is, practically EVERY historical film or TV series ever made has got some incorrect facts in it. And there's always been someone like you to whine about it not being 100% correct according to your unasked for specifications. No one historical film is ever going to be 100% correct, so quit whining about it. And only 15% of PBS's budget is gov. subsidies. Also, I watch PBS a hell of a lot, and it's worth every damn dime. Typical right winger whining about the government---why even bring that up in the first place? It you want everything so accurate, make your own damn historical program, and make your own corrections.
