MovieChat Forums > Mercy Street (2016) Discussion > I guess this is made so white folks feel...

I guess this is made so white folks feel better

I mean, seriously. Breathtakingly embarrassing. Where to begin?


I mean, seriously. Breathtakingly embarrassing. Where to begin?
Okay... How about with Phinney? Do you think it is unbelievable that she might be an abolitionist?

Do you find it unbelievable that the Union Army, and a Union hospital, might employ white Southerners, who sided with the Union?

If you are aware of genuinely untenable anachronisms why not help us out, by explicitly naming them?


What an ignorant post.


Same way Downton Abbey was made to make people who liked "The Good Old Days" feel better?


Better to begin than post so vaguely.

"Our Art Is a Reflection of Our Reality"


"White folks"? Why would this show make me feel better about myself?

What a ridiculous comment.


What the Op means is that this show was made to allevate the blame from the South(which most of it belonged)and place it on the the North



"Where to begin?" Glad you asked. Please begin with listing the historical errors that you think were included in this show to make white people feel better. Also cite references (primary sources, please) to support your contention that "this is made so white people feel better". Better about what? You should probably explain that, too. You might also list your academic achievements, to give your position credibility. Go to it.

"It ain't dying I'm talking about, it's LIVING!"
Captain Augustus McCrae


Anything? Didn't think so.

"It ain't dying I'm talking about, it's LIVING!"
Captain Augustus McCrae



"It ain't dying I'm talking about, it's LIVING!"
Captain Augustus McCrae


SJW should jump off a bridge
