I thought this show was okay at best
I really thought this was going to be focused heavily on the birth of hiphop or at least the early days of hiphop. I understand the relationship disco had with hiphop but I wish they hadn't focused so much on that and the Mylene stuff. Even though she's one of the finest women I've ever seen. (WOW!). But yeah, I think people really are tired of love stories. The caged songbird trope...is played. After a while just wanted them to get to the Get Down Brothers performance, I didn't care about any thing else. Also, the acting was bad at times and not like that campy thing they were going for, it was really bad. They could have really done alot more by either going full campy/comedy or full blown serious drama. Instead they tried to do both and I thought it failed. One minute Shao is this kung fu movie emulating-hiphop introducer with style and the next minute he's a drug dealing murderer. I mean, i did like some of the character like Fat Annie, Cadillac, Jimmy Smits, and Moreno.
But overall there were alot of things I just didn't like about this, and I really wanted to love this due to the hiphop 70's/80's era stuff. I'll keep watching and hoping it gets better.