MovieChat Forums > The Get Down (2016) Discussion > Who was complaining about 'No Latinos'

Who was complaining about 'No Latinos'

This show clearly has Latinos, one of the main characters is Puerto Rican. Unless those OPs of those threads are excluding Latinos with African ancestors....

Black Latinos are everywhere from Mexico to Cuba to Brazil....


Plenty of people, but mainly well before it began filming.

Example (then scroll to the bottom to see the FB comments) <<< Note the date<<<; Again, check the date.

And then there's this guy... has Crazy Legs even watched it at all? I think he's a bit hurt that he wasn't a 'consultant' or producer on the film. Oh well.

I'm all for supporting your "culture" but (and correct me if I'm WRONG) but a good percent of all Puerto Ricans have Black ancestry. For them to totally disregard that as if they're above it is wrong! About 20 years ago I was talking to this Mexican girl at work (Ironically, she only dated Black guys, too) and she said to me, "Well, you guys come from slaves".Really? 

Every person that served can be called a veteran, but not every veteran can be called a Marine.
