Parental Guide

Nudity, violence, profanity, drug use? My pre-teen has been seeing trailers and wants to watch this but not sure it's a good idea yet. How much of the above is not in the first six episodes?


Not much nudity but plenty of drugs profanity and some violence. I wouldn't say it is suitable for a child


Not MUCH nudity? You must have watched a different show. There is 0, I repeat 0 nudity. Not even a bare ass.


Thanks! This will have to be something he'll miss.


Episode 6 in a gay night club. There's a close up of a man kissing a naked breast.


It says PG 16, if your kid is watching it's YOUR responsability. Maybe you should be a more present parent, Stop complaining here and go watch what your kids are doing now!


The last reply must be a troll or seriously unable to read. Where did I complain... I didn't let my child watch it
