1½ hour pilot? Jeeze

This series looks really interesting to me..

But damn 1½ hour pilot?

So every episode is like a movie long:/

I think that was a mistake. 45 minutes tops for series.
The whole concept is to watch an episode when you got the time.

What's your take on the length?


It's only the pilot, the other episodes are shorter.

And if you think 45 minutes tops, I guess network tv is more your thing than stuff like HBO and the like.

Maybe this isn't for you.


It was necessary for the pilot to be lengthy and introduce us to the characters, time frame and story. All the other episodes are just under 60 minutes. It's not like you have to binge watch the series in one sitting and you can even take a break mid episode and come back and finish it right where you left off.


I enjoyed it. It didn't even feel like it was that long because I was so sucked into the story.

45 tops for a Netflix original series? You must be new.


GrandChamp1989 Dude, get the f_ck outa of here with that 45 minutes tops bullsh_t. This isn't Network Tv, this is a premium show that you have to PAY to watch. No premium channel has a show that only produces 45 minute episodes WTF?????

My eyes are watching you
