Blacks and Puerto Ricans
This is what this show is about. Take it or leave it.
Hip Hop and breakin' would not exist if not for blacks and PRs(basically the same in NY/NJ).
shareI agree with you ^^ , not OP on that pretty dumb comment. In fact rap/ hip-hop and the early stuff was all Afro-American , and Latin dance culture and such.
However I don't get the reference to NY/NJ ??
Hip Hop and breakin' would not existBe still my heart. share
Rap/Hip-Hop didn't start with Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch you ignoramus.
shareSo I'm guessing you're leaving it?
Thinking isn't going to get us anywhere. -- S.M.
Why is that problem?
shareJust saw the pilot for the show (surprised at how long it was, at an hour and 15 minutes tops---it was definitely made more like a film than anything else--even had an old-school film look and feel) and really enjoyed it---it was definitely one long and crazy ride, I can say that,lol. I had been looking forward to seeing since it was announced nearly 6 months ago, and I wasn't one bit disappointed. Really enjoyed it. I'm a '70s baby,and an old hip-hop head, so some of the fashions, like the daishiki that old dude was wearing (my mother had a long red one with a similar design, and let me and my brother run around in it as kids,and wear until it became nothing but rags,lol) and the shirt the character of Ra-Ra wore--my brother wore one just like it when he was about 6 or 7 years old) definitely gave me a flashback. The acting was excellent (especially from the young leads, who did their own rapping and singing) and yeah, the whole episode came off like an actual film ( it even had an old-school film look and feel) more than anything else. Loved the rapping, of course, and can't wait to see the next episode. SO,yeah, it was worth the wait,apparently.
And,yeah, it was nice to see a cast comprised of mostly black and Puerto Rican folks, since they're the ones who basically started/created the early rap/hip-hop scene anyway.
would not exist if not for blacks and PRs(basically the same in NY/NJ)