What is this supposed "broader appeal" stuff (aka something that only white folks can supposedly relate to) you're talking about? You have at least two generations of white folks and other non-black folks who grew up with rap too, and have become part of the hip-hop scene themselves---you make it sound like no white person could relate to this show or would watch it just because it has a most black/Latino cast. Plus hip-hop had a huge cultural impact not just here in America, but literally all over the world---if you go onto youtube, you can find rappers from countries all over the world rapping in literally every language on earth---it's always pretty fascinating and fun to watch. Just to let you know, black folks are human and have regular human problems just like anybody else on the planet. And not everybody in the world can relate to everything white people do and say in the movies,or in real life, either. Black people watch Netflix and damn near everything else,too---it's nice to watch something that's all about us for a change. There's more than enough content in any media for white people to watch, since y'all dominate about 99% of it anyway.
As a black film lover, I watch almost everything under the sun. And obviously you haven't even watched it, so how the hell would you know whether it has this "broad appeal" you speak of for certain? Even white people get tired of watching the same old predictable bulls*** with other white people in it sometimes. The world no longer revolves around what white people think and do anymore,anyway. And white people are not the only people on earth with fascinating stories to tell about themselves (which already dominate the media anyway.) I think STRANGER THINGS is only popular with an audience way too young to remember films like E.T., and other early '80s sci-fi thrillers, otherwise they'd see how unoriginal it really sounds/is (to be fair, I haven't seen it yet,though.) Try watching THE GET DOWN and stop acting like you can't watch just because there's no lead white person in it---it's the 21st century--time to get over that outdated racist Hollywood mindset that says only white people's stories are worth watching and making films/TV shows about. Because that's not even the case.