MovieChat Forums > The Get Down (2016) Discussion > I feel like this should have been a big ...

I feel like this should have been a big show...

I think Netflix thought this was gonna be a big hit for them, and I think they majorly underestimated Stranger Things. This show was good, but no where near as good as Stranger Things. Besides no one is even talking about this. It's a flopppp


I see plenty of people talking about it and it's super dumb to compare it to Stranger Things, and from that, declare it a flop.


I agree


what exactly was so much better about stranger things??

My eyes are watching you


Apparently, neither you nor the OP have watched THE GET DOWN, or you would know why. STRANGER THINGS sounds like every other supernatural or sci-fi show that's ever been on the air or online--nothing original or new about it. THE GET DOWN is based on the true story of the first generation of creators of the hip-hop genre, so it's definitely far more interesting from a historical perspective. It's also got great old-school music (stuff I grew up hearing)young love, showing what's it like to come of age in a dangerous urban environment, where hip-hop was originally born, and the conditions under which it was created, the everyday lives of the people who created it,etc. That's what this ambitious series is all about/trying to cover, and doing something a little different in the process.

The show has also gotten good critical reviews on top of that, and I've been telling everybody I know about it, because that's how good it is. So it's hardly a "flop" like the OP claims.


The OP sounds like they may be a troll. I like stranger things but it's nowhere near as impactful and amazing as the get down (something everyone knows about) I mean I continue re-watching the first six episode over and over again as if it were a movie and it never gets old. It really lifts me up. In addition, they are definitely two completely different types of shows it's like comparing a dinosaur to a tree. Have absolutely nothing to do with each other or any comparisons to be made. Troll elsewhere OP


I haven't seen the get down and I'm not saying it sucks (I was a little presumptuous earlier). My point being that Netflix released this at the wrong time cuz it was swept away by Stranger Things.


I like stranger things but it's nowhere near as impactful and amazing as the get down

Now, by all means, you may have been personally impacted much more by The Get Down, but you're kidding yourself if you think that it had a bigger pop cultural impact than Stranger Things. I'm sorry, no. Everyone is talking about Stranger Things; it's a HUGE hit for Netflix. The Get Down not so much so. Just look at the number of imdb ratings that Stranger Things has received. Clearly The Get Down has only received a fraction of the attention.

Screws fall out all of the time. The world's an imperfect place.


I agree it's not as good as stranger things, but that was flawed too with inconsistent acting. I'm a fan of old Winona Ryder, but not the one from stranger things. Same with justice Smith in this. These performances made a great show less than great. I think it is comparable though. Both are period pieces. Stranger things felt more genuine. The get down felt more like a marketing idea. You felt more attached to the story and people of stranger things. The get down not so much.


That's not true for me. I'm a young white female from the Midwest, and I related to these teenagers in The Get Down way more than the kids in Stranger Things. Both shows are great in their own right, but The Get Down was much more impactful. The characters were deeper and more personable. You actually cared about them, and cheered them on. Stranger Things not so much. I felt like I was tolerating a lot of the characters. The Get Down managed to evoke emotions in me, while I felt like I was just spectating during Stranger Things.


Just based on the number imdb ratings alone, it's pretty clear that The Get Down has not taken off in the same way that Stranger Things has. I'd be cautious as to declare it a "flop" at this point, but it definitely has not caught on, for whatever reason(s), in the way that Netflix may have anticipated.

Screws fall out all of the time. The world's an imperfect place.


Not many shows have caught on the way Stranger Things did. That was kind of a phenomenon. There are plenty of Netflix shows that have a strong fan following that werent runaway hits. I see this is a show that is going to build on its word of mouth, kind of like Sense8. That wasnt a runaway hit straight out of the box, but the people who love it really love it. I still think comparing the shows is dumb as they cant be more different and appeal to different audiences. Unless your someone like me who likes a bit of everything.


I understand what you're saying, and agree with some of your points. Nonetheless, I don't think it's that far-fetched to compare the two shows. They're both period pieces that rely heavily on nostalgia. In terms of age, the target audience are similar in that The Get Down takes place in 1977, and Stranger Things takes place, I believe, in 1982. Both shows cover multiple genres and debuted on Netflix over the summer.

Like you, I like a bit of everything, but I think a vast majority of Netflix subscribers watch a variety of genres, which is why shows as diverse as Orange is the New Black, House of Cards, and Stranger Things all thrive on Netflix.

Screws fall out all of the time. The world's an imperfect place.


But I dont think all of those are watched by the same people all the time, Thats the good thing about Netflix putting out so many different kinds of shows, so there's something for everyone. I would wager that not many people will and have watched all of those shows plus, Hemlock Geove, and Voltron and the Betweeners (not that great but an interesting premise) and Bloodlines and Making A Murderer and many others and enjoyed them all. I see too many people complaining about why the thing they want to see is not on lol.

But nevertheless, my point was simply that what matters is if the show has legs and a growing following that will carry it into the next season. I think it will judging from comments I read on different sites, the Facebook page in particular, and I hope it does succeed because I genuinely like it and want Nextflix to continue to take chances and encourage artistic freedom in the shows they bring on.


Well, even Hemlock Grove, which in my opinion was a kitschy disaster, made it through 3 seasons. The second half of season 1 is supposed to debut sometime early in 2017, so you're guaranteed at least that. The only thing really going against it is the amount of money that was poured into the project. If numbers don't get better, it may not be fiscally prudent for Netflix to renew it for a second season.

Screws fall out all of the time. The world's an imperfect place.


Both this AND Stranger Things are big shows with huge popularity. No point really comparing them as they're completely different genres for different audiences or people with eclectic taste like myself who can appreciate all the work that's gone into both shows I'm a fan of. The only valiad comparison is they're set over 30 years ago but besides that it's getting dull that people bother to compare them.


Get Down is not nearly as popular as stranger things.


It's popular enough.


Who expects a show about the beginnings of hip-hop in 1970s south Bronx (with a largely minority cast) to be as big as a science fiction show with a majority white cast? If the people at Netflix thought this they're nuts. A good portion of America will NEVER watch The Get Down while Stranger Things has broader appeal.



What is this supposed "broader appeal" stuff (aka something that only white folks can supposedly relate to) you're talking about? You have at least two generations of white folks and other non-black folks who grew up with rap too, and have become part of the hip-hop scene themselves---you make it sound like no white person could relate to this show or would watch it just because it has a most black/Latino cast. Plus hip-hop had a huge cultural impact not just here in America, but literally all over the world---if you go onto youtube, you can find rappers from countries all over the world rapping in literally every language on earth---it's always pretty fascinating and fun to watch. Just to let you know, black folks are human and have regular human problems just like anybody else on the planet. And not everybody in the world can relate to everything white people do and say in the movies,or in real life, either. Black people watch Netflix and damn near everything else,too---it's nice to watch something that's all about us for a change. There's more than enough content in any media for white people to watch, since y'all dominate about 99% of it anyway.

As a black film lover, I watch almost everything under the sun. And obviously you haven't even watched it, so how the hell would you know whether it has this "broad appeal" you speak of for certain? Even white people get tired of watching the same old predictable bulls*** with other white people in it sometimes. The world no longer revolves around what white people think and do anymore,anyway. And white people are not the only people on earth with fascinating stories to tell about themselves (which already dominate the media anyway.) I think STRANGER THINGS is only popular with an audience way too young to remember films like E.T., and other early '80s sci-fi thrillers, otherwise they'd see how unoriginal it really sounds/is (to be fair, I haven't seen it yet,though.) Try watching THE GET DOWN and stop acting like you can't watch just because there's no lead white person in it---it's the 21st century--time to get over that outdated racist Hollywood mindset that says only white people's stories are worth watching and making films/TV shows about. Because that's not even the case.
