Is season 2 worth watching?
Just asking.
If you think Emma is hot, then it is definitely worth watching! Other than that, it's pretty much the same amount of satisfaction as the first season.
"Age ain't nothin' but a number" -- Aaliyah
Why is that sad? Despite what girls say, they do want to be praised for their looks. Telling a girl she's ugly but you like her for her personality is not as nearly as good as how they make it seem on TV.
And girls focus on guys looks too.. they also focus on girls looks too. There is a reason there was an episode in Bunk'd where Xander had to show off his abs to save the camp. He had to be GOOD LOOKING!
"Age ain't nothin' but a number" -- Aaliyah
Because Cardinal42 is a prude
Lara Croft Himiko! The First Sun Queen! This is Yamatai.
You don't RAISE your kid to ... want something. And I know plenty of girls. Unlike you, I don't watch TV and stay on the internet ALL DAY! I know enough girls to know that it IS normal for teen girls to have sex well before they turn 18 whether they regret it later or not.
A kid gets dropped in an environment and has wants and needs that were developed by their natural genes & desires as well as the other people in their environment.
Yes a girl and guy for that matter, SHOULD be liked for their personality, but that's not the way the world works. Do you think actors, especially the male ones, get hired for their acting??? HELL NO! They are mainly hired for their looks! There's a reason nearly every single movie with a male lead has a 6 pack.
There's a reason why a girl won't even give a guy a chance unless she finds him attractive.
There's a reason even girls go for the good looking girls.
And there's a reason that before a blind date girls say, "is he hot?" or "is he cute?" They will NEVER EVER EVER SAY, "is he confident?" or "does he have a good personality?"
"Age ain't nothin' but a number" -- Aaliyah
How do you explain actors like Melissa McCarthy getting work? The woman is HUGE and yet she gets jobs left and right. She's not exactly good look with all that fat.
by cardinal42 ยป 4 hours ago (Tue Sep 20 2016 17:08:40)
IMDb member since July 2015
Um I don't know what kind of girls YOU know. But I know plenty of girls who were not raised that way! You don't have to tell a girl she is ugly. That is just rude. Um a girl SHOULD be liked for her personality! Not just her looks.
He never DID show off his abs to save the camp. He started to remove his shirt and Emma stopped him. I think you are the one so focused on looks.