A- Cinemascore

Very rare for a horror film. I guess all the kids really did run out to see it yesterday


Very good score for a horror film. Goes to show that the movies target audience (younger fans of the game) are really enjoying it.


Weird since its one of the lamest horror films ever made.

If anyone's interested, I reviewed the movie on my youtube channel. Appreciate any feedback. Trying to improve - https://youtu.be/kXnm1bmsq3M


It's for kids and teens mate. Not even joking. The video game is massively popular amongst kids, it's one of those blindspots for older users online who are 'out of touch'.

A lot of the people rushing out to see this are big fans of the game, they're happy with what has been served up to them, a competently made FNAF movie hence the high score, the cinema attendees are fans of the I.P. and not entirely representative of the average movie fan.

The 18-24 sweet spot demo repped 45% of the crowd while the 13-24 set repped a massive 75% of the audience.


Nearly one out of three of the people going to the cinema to see this are 13-18 years old. With 75+% being under 24 years of age.

Anyone who saw FNAF and was expecting anything other than a tame horror flick that kids would be allowed to watch clearly didn't understand the goal here.




The test screenings must have been filled with gamers because better horror movies got worse ratings.



Wonder if this will be some game changer and sigh for Hollywood.

Its obvious now that there is a place for "horror movies for children". Children would like to go to theater to see something spooky. But not the R Rated horror with blood when they can't sleep afterwards.

The Sixth Sense had PG-13 rating and everyone went to see that.

Hollywood must do more light heart horror movies when kids age 13+ can go. Everything doesn't hate to be super scary.
