A little lesson for Hollywood's casting and story-telling...
Dear Dummies,
I know you won't listen in the name of the pagan cult of "Diversity & Stupidity," but if you intend for your target audience to like this film, you'll listen to this.
1.) You need a cast of actual Asian actors. They don't necessarily have to be Chinese in origin (though having the lead actress boast such ancestry wouldn't hurt), just Asian in appearance. You try shoving white, black, and Hispanic people into those roles and call it "color-blind casting," you can bet this movie will flop as quickly as the live-action "Dragon-Ball" movie did.
2.) It's okay if you have Mushu voice-acted by someone who isn't Asian, though I doubt Eddie Murphy's up for the job anymore. Not unless there's a way for him to come back and make the little CGI dragon you intend to use even funnier than the first time around.
3.) Please to God don't tell the EXACT SAME STORY with the exact same lines as before! This formula has already killed the past few Disney live-action films. Give us something new! Please!
4.) This would work just fine if it wasn't a musical. We already had one the first time around, why must we do it again? We're okay with authentic Chinese music, or even a single solo sung randomly by someone in the story, but we don't really need another musical for Mulan.
Someone who's sick of bad, live-action Disney remakes and a fan of the original "Mulan"