Looking for reviews....

ANy real review for the episode 1 ? thank you :)



Don't care if there are reviews or not - I like Stephen Mangan and I think this sounds like FUN!

Get right or get left!


might not be reason enough to overcharge my weekly tv show queue... :P



Not good I'm afraid. The idea is fine but instead of keeping it as a buddy movie they had to get in 'the poor old women were terribly treated in those days' angle by introducing a supposed sole female police officer in the Metropolitan Police force who was kept in a cellar to do the typing. For a start her uniform was ridiculous, for goodness sake we have photos of them so what on earth was all this about? And as for wearing long dangly earrings ???????? This is supposed to be set in 1901. The first female police officers with full police powers were introduced in 1919 and it is insulting to those ladies to portray them as being kept in a cellar to do the typing and make the tea.

These female officers were on the mean streets every night entering brothels and vice dens and taking care of women and children and to suggest otherwise is appalling.

The plot was wafer thin and the explanation for the ghost was quite frankly ludicrous.

This series needs to up it's game if it wants to keep an audience.


You mean it wasn't historically accurate, Bob? 

The Spikeopath - Hospital Number 217


If you are going to make a big thing about setting the scene in a certain time period, then at least make a stab at accuracy. And while we are about it what on earth made anyone think that silly looking chap resembled a Detective Sergeant of the Edwardian period? He looked like a refugee. from a boy band.


Hee, well firstly thanks for not taking umbridge at my gentle prodding and posting a mature response. I genuinely understand your frustrations here, I for one get annoyed when people label films and progs as Victorian era when in fact they are Edwardian. It's just something that irks me. As for this show, well I really enjoyed the first episode, so in truth I wasn't too fussed about the irritants you mention. But ultimately it doesn't matter as it looks like I wont get to see the rest of the show for some time, given that's it's now being shown on a channel I don't subscribe to!

Do you like Ripper Street (2012)?

The Spikeopath - Hospital Number 217


I gave absolutely top marks to Ripper Street for locations , and the first series wasn't too bad but then the series just sank into a mire of unnecessary violence and sex scenes, which quite frankly became very tedious. You were left with a distinct feeling that they were put in just to pad out the plot.

Anyway just watched the second episode of Houdini & Doyle and although the plot was slightly better the anachronisms are still there in all their shame. Here we have the female police officer warning a young boy not to go into a 'tailspin'! This was a phrase coined during WWI to describe an aircraft completely out of control, spinning wildly about the tail. Not bad considering this is set 2 years before the Wright brothers managed to stagger into the air for a few yards.

Perhaps we should be grateful she wasn't asked to check the computer records before jumping into a Ford Granada and tearing off down the street at sixty miles an hour!


Not bad considering this is set 2 years before the Wright brothers managed to stagger into the air for a few yards.

The Spikeopath - Hospital Number 217


prepare to suspend your belief, I always try to book over plot holes and anomalies but there are holes deep enough to break a leg in. ;)

I love Stephen Mangan and I am enjoying it for the humour and fun that sparks off Doyle and Houdini towards each other.

Its not a historical documented not meant to be another Ripper Street. I like how they have included the beliefs and research of Houdini and Doyle into the paranormal.


prepare to suspend your belief, I always try to book over plot holes and anomalies but there are holes deep enough to break a leg in. ;)

I love Stephen Mangan and I am enjoying it for the humour and fun that sparks off Doyle and Houdini towards each other.

Its not a historical documented not meant to be another Ripper Street. I like how they have included the beliefs and research of Houdini and Doyle into the paranormal.


Press Reviews

http://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2016/mar/14/houdini-doyle-youre-back-in-the-room(contains a review of another unrelated programme before the review of Houdini and Doyle)


Sparks Moran: "It was dusk. I could tell 'cause the sun had gone down"


thank you both =)
trying not to let good British shows pass me by like in the past, but at the same time i need time slots on my week.
guess this one its one to skip....



Not a great show. I like Doyle, and Adelaide is likeable too (just a bit over the top "we are soooo oppressed"), but I cannot stand Houdini, way too obnoxious and arrogant. Also from the very first episode it was clear they'll push Houdini and Adelaide affair, which made me like this show even less.

Detective stories are subpar and unconvincing.

Watched two episodes, wont bother with more.
