Commercial hell.
Some show then commercials, a bit of show and more commercials and repeat. It wouldn't be quite so bad if the commercials weren't so stupid and annoying.
shareSome show then commercials, a bit of show and more commercials and repeat. It wouldn't be quite so bad if the commercials weren't so stupid and annoying.
shareTo quote a song of the 1980's "that's just the way it is" on network TV. If you think the commercial load vs. show content is high. check out the likes of USA Network or TVLand, where show content appears to be an afterthought. Also, the cable TV commercials make network TV commercials look like Shakespeare!
shareOne of the reasons I will never have cable or satellite. You're paying them to show you commercials. One network even displayed the message that this movie was edited to fit the alloted time to show more commercials. How pathetic is that?