MovieChat Forums > Houdini and Doyle (2016) Discussion > feminism feminism feminism feminism femi...

feminism feminism feminism feminism feminism

What is a character all about? Feminism.

What are the plots about? Feminism.

What are we sick and tired of being shoved down our throats over and over again in zomg CURRENT YEAR TWENTY SIXTEEN? You guessed it...


Go cry about it over on Reddit, along with all the other man babies.



Ok, stupid Man Baby. Whatever. I'd try to respond but I couldn't understand you. You're a mess when you're off your Ritalin.

BTW, I don't use Tumblr or Reddit or all the other stupid websites you little kids use. I can tell that you use these sites every day, though. You need something to do to pass the time in your mom's basement. ๎€ฆ

Emojis=๐Ÿ’ฉ Emoticons=๎€


So you are one of those misogynists who don't think women should get equal pay for equal work. You don't seem to espouse feminism, but what would you have -just a world full of men in charge, while women take a subservient stance? It is 2016 not 2016 B.C.E. (Before the common era).

The show takes place after women's suffrage in the UK, and you would see women fill all sorts of jobs previously only held by men.

I am a proud NYC woman, and yes a feminist; but if you needed neurosurgery, my professional oath would still have me operate competently on the misogynist that you are - OP.


1) they do get equal pay for equal work. and in a lot of cases women make more.
2) men would never get jobs if companies could just hire women for cheaper.

3) woman's suffrage in the UK is a joke. the "protestors" set suffrage back years. the reason they got the vote etc is because of the war where so many men fought and bleed for their country to come home and have no voice. oh another little known fact, women COULD vote, you see the only thing that was required to vote was being landed!


What I said to atomicb(i)(t)(c)(h) goes for you, too.


๐Ÿ˜ฌWhat I said to atomicb(i)(t)(c)(h) goes for you, too.๐Ÿ˜ 


How is this show about feminism? There is one woman on the show regularly and she is at most a supporting character. I'm pretty sure her main role in the show is to show what an idiot Houdini is around women and provide some comic relief.
I recognize you thought you were going to watch a show about two men, and it's disappointing to find that a woman was cast in the show at all. Especially since every other show on TV also has female actors.
The show is set in a time when women were on the cusp of getting more rights, so it would be remiss of the show not to show it.
Every show has lots of subplots and one of theirs involves a woman. When I find a show with an entire male cast, I'll private message you.


I would like to revise this a bit. I kept watching past episode 2 and have come to realize that the producers must feel the same way about feminists that I do. I mean, if you couldn't tell how feminism has made all feminists absolutely miserable just from reading this thread, just look at the Stratton character! Alone, always grumpy and scowling, always jumping the gun imagining everything as a slight and overreacting to innocent statements... she's completely miserable! Well done Houdini & Doyle, top notch social commentary after all!
