You have no facts:
A. The town did now she was pregnant, the exact months, probably not.
B. I wouldn't say everyone was racist back then, seems odd- yes, but not everyone was. I don't think the term 'black' in regards to the color of the person is innately bad; same for calling the color of the person 'white.' Nothing more than referring to a human as male or female, or short or tall etc. Sure, the term can be used negatively (most words can), and that happens a lot. And yes, I am sure black people got called the other host of names too, but this is network television, not a historically correct documentary.
By the way, they did call Houdini a 'yank' too, and that's a derogative term too, as is when he is called a 'Jew.'
And you do know how the term 'negro' came to be: negro is black in Spanish which was an identification purpose (prejudice in the time-yes) eg. look up the 'casta' chart created by the Spanish.