I don't watch much TV, but when I do...
I generally don't like wanting to feel like slitting my wrists afterward. Which is what makes this episode of Black Mirror so refreshing. Its not just a "happy" ending, its a happily forever after ending with such heavy implications on the "forever" part that you could almost describe it as a somewhat "mind-blowingly" happy ending.
This marks my 4th or 5th viewing of Black Mirror...and by golly, there's some serious talent in the writing of this series. And by "talent" I mean a profound ability to leave the viewer dealing with a jarring sense of despair after the conclusion of any given episode. The kind of bleakness you just can't find in your average everyday show.
But heading the other direction, just as fine of a job is done in eliciting hopefulness. Which is why I think this particular episode should be required viewing for anyone deciding to sit down and binge themselves some Black Mirror.
Anyway, great story...and whats-her-name with the glasses was a hotty!