No real sense of stakes...
The premiere was fun and I appreciate that the show is going for a completely lighthearted approach, but in the process this episode didn't feel like it had any real sense of danger in it. I know they were stopping New York from being nuked but the way everything played out was so comedic, such as Einstein portrayal etc... that I didn't feel a sense of urgency. Also, the whole thing felt very rushed. The went from situation to situation in a flash. I mean, under normal circumstances, all the team members being stranded in various points in time would have been the episode cliffhanger, but then they had to get them together and have Rip's farewell speech and then introduce Eobard. As a result none of it really had an impact. Rip being mysteriously vanished in time could have been a cliffhanger by itself too. Its also a bit strange how the consequences of messing with time are being dealt in such disparate manners on the Flash and LoT. On one hand, the Flash is dealing with the consequences of even minor alterations to the timeline causing significant changes while LoT seems to be changing things left and right without concern, not to mention that Sara seems to be doing the exact same thing that Barry did during Flashpoint.