MovieChat Forums > Frozen II (2019) Discussion > Deadline over-projects once again

Deadline over-projects once again

They must have it in for Disney over at Deadline. Always over-projecting on Friday and then chip, chip, chip it down throughout the weekend.

This third weekend they are calling it at 40.3 million. No one...and I mean NO ONE is expecting this result.

Sister site Variety is almost as bad. Last week they called the 5-day weekend at 155 million on Thanksgiving morning and it ended up under 124 million.

That's bad.


...aaaannnnd the numbers are coming in at 8 million for Friday so we are looking at about a 32-33 million weekend a full 7 -8 million short of Deadline's usual Disney overshoot

A really hard crash this weekend.


It’s not a hard crash at all


Over -60% drop qualifies as "hard crash". Much higher than any other Disney Thanksgiving release. Even worse than Ralph Breaks the Internet.


OMG, it only make $100m over the last week!
Won't break a billion WW till Christmas. What a bummer!


Speaking of over-projecting, when is Harriet going to fulfil your projection of "destined for long legs and profitability "?


Ahem...was I right or was I right?


As it came in at just under 35m, which is more than your projection of 32-33m, I would say you were wrong.


I ended up a lot closer than Deadline and I was correct that they were over-projecting(as usual).


You have a reputation of inaccurate predictions to uphold. Sometimes your figures are so wrong I wonder if you were once an accountant at Enron.


Har dee har har.


I think the law of averages finally caught up with you

After an endless stream of absolutely incorrect predictions, you were bound to get one right


Funny...i'm told all the time "You finally got one right."

Which kinda...y'know...means I'm getting things "right" quite a bit.


[–] QueenFanUSA (2601) 4 hours ago
Funny...i'm told all the time "You finally got one right."

Which kinda...y'know...means I'm getting things "right" quite a bit.
No, just no QFU. Even your "Rights" are debatable and subjective. Some of the things you want to claim you are right about are "Opinions" which you feel you are entitled to have, (which) you are, but having an opinion doesn't make your position "Right". That just means you have an "Opinion". The number of statements, quotes or positions that you embark on that are wrong, dubious or ill-conceived outnumber the number of times someone says you are right by about 20 to 1. Some of the things that you say you are right about are no-brainers and worthy of Captain Obvious. Broken Clocks aren't right twice a day because you can't use them to tell the time.

Like this thread for example. You're not even right about how many times you think you were ever right.😂

As is your want, you'll chalk it all up to, "Your opinion".



You really are a self-impressed bore. Hey... at least you have one person impressed on this earth!


Oh too bad, so sad. You're not even right about the number of people on Earth who find me quite impressive. 😎

How is that box office for SLOP2 doing? You told everyone to be patient and wait for those large returns and expect those guaranteed long Universal legs.

Should we stop standing by and staying tuned? 🤣


Try to stay focused.

This is a thread about Frozen II.


Life is like a box of chocolates!

[–] QueenFanUSA (2608) an hour ago
Try to stay focused.

This is a thread about Frozen II.
Next time don't hijack your own thread by trying to "Humble Brag".
[–] QueenFanUSA (2608) 2 days ago
Funny...i'm told all the time "You finally got one right."

Which kinda...y'know...means I'm getting things "right" quite a bit.
That post surely wasn't about Frozen II, now was it?

What's wrong can't stay focused?? 😂



That Frozen II's box office is still NOT dropping like a rock, neither domestic nor international.


May have taken longer but the movie still made the highest grossing animated release.


Deadline over-projects once again
posted 2 months ago by QueenFanUSA (2787)
19 replies | jump to latest

They must have it in for Disney over at Deadline. Always over-projecting on Friday and then chip, chip, chip it down throughout the weekend.

This third weekend they are calling it at 40.3 million. No one...and I mean NO ONE is expecting this result.

Sister site Variety is almost as bad. Last week they called the 5-day weekend at 155 million on Thanksgiving morning and it ended up under 124 million.

That's bad.


Just ran across this thread....

just wondering but looking back, Now that Frozen II topped 1.4 B+ and Beat Its own record for the highest grossing Animated film of all time and clearly exceeded all possible expectations, do you even feel the least bit shameful for trying to troll on this films box office?

I'll be honest, I'm not really sure I can think of a proper comparison here to truly articulate just how badly you failed

I mean I was thinking, a good comparison would be, If someone back in the 80s went on to TV after Michael Jordan was drafted and claim he was going to be the biggest bust of all time.

I think this is a good comparison because, thats basically what you did here....In the case of MJ..It would have been such a massive fail because Jordan Literally went on to be the greatest basketball player of all time, You literally cant fail any harder than Predicted someone is going to be the biggest bust of all time and Then that person goes on to actually be the greatest player of all time

I believe Your failures in trolling is comparable to that BUT Worse!

because You somehow did it TWICE....

You actually Tried to troll on 2 films that would go on to literally have the greatest box office success of all time...

Here you Prematurely tried to troll on A Frozen II film, Now it would be bad enough if Frozen II just topped 1 Billion +, You'd still look like an idiot, But hilariously, Frozen II actually went on to Literally Be the most successful Movie of its kind(Literally the MJ of animated films)

But also You did the exact same thing with Avengers Endgame, tried for 3 weeks to troll on that film(a film that was ultimately destined to be the highest grossing film ever made)

So I'm thinking about the best possible comparison to truly describe your failures here would be

If the same exact GUY who went on TV and predicted Jordan to be The biggest bust of all time after he was drafted.....also then went on TV and Predicted Tom Brady would never make a team and The Patriots wasted a draft pick on Him...

In That case...The same man, would have impossibly against all odd, somehow Picked against the 2 greatest player of all time in 2 different sports....

I believe your FAILURES here with Frozen II and Avengers Endgame are directly comparable to that "Hypothetical scenario of absolute failure" I thought up...

somehow queen, You are so horrifically awful at box office....You didnt realize you were trolling 2 films that would literally go on to be The most Successful films of all time and of their kind...

Its almost Impossible to fail this badly....I truly cant imagine anyone else other than you accomplishing this and I honestly do NOT believe it will ever take place again on any forum ever...

I cant not imagine any other troll, actually being dumb enough to prematurely troll on 2 different films that are ultimately destined to be the highest grossing movies of all time



also couldnt help but think about your EPIC Grinch Fail while typing this...

remember when you were so upset that Frozen 1 set the record and gave Disney the highest grossing animated film of all then made a thread out spite predicting that The Grinch would soon top Frozen as the highest grossing animated film of all time where you predicted a 500 M domestic gross and 1.3 B+ total

lol remember how you Missed by an astonishing near 800 M + and over 230 M + domestically

Good times


1.437 Billion +

I just want to ONE MORE TIME note.....You tried to troll on a film that grossed 1.437 Billion + and Beat its own record to be the highest gross animated film of all time

2.797 Billion +

You tried to troll on a film that grossed 2.797 B+ and went on to literally be the highest grossing film ever made

Disney literally Made The Michael Jordan and Tom Brady of movies and you trolled on them

I'm fully convinced its not possible to fail worse than this...

I have no doubt you'll have bigger misses in terms of numbers where you missed by Hundreds of millions, But in terms of literally trying to troll on the 2 most success films of all time....This can not be topped


Nice summary about Queen and Frozen II Bill. Not bad, not bad at all.

Feel free to add this to the "Pile". A DC film is projected by Deadline to have an opening weekend of a certain amount. Said film has a very shocking meltdown in public and in full view of the Box Office savant known as Queen. So what is the problem? The problem is that QueenFanUsa hasn't uttered a single word about this apparent drastic misfortune. Why is that?

There is also the statement made that Frozen II was, ahem, underperforming both Domestically and Internationally. This was done after the film had been in release a total of 3 days. The "Fail" is strong with this neophyte Boxoffice Guru.


Bill...this is your final warning.

Let's see...looking through my files...comic book conventions...2nd Joker weekend challenge then disappearance...Lion King "confirmed reports" of "special deals"...Mary Poppins Returns...Aquaman...Wreck It Ralph 2...


Wanna continue bill? I WILL open these files. Just keep pushin' it'll be hiding like you have never hid before. will be like a year-long "comic convention".


Let's see...looking through my files...comic book conventions...2nd Joker weekend challenge then disappearance...Lion King "confirmed reports" of "special deals"...Mary Poppins Returns...Aquaman...Wreck It Ralph 2...
Best as I can recall you NEVER got any proof of that myriad of alleged "Crimes" by Billbrown. The things that he was wrong about I believe he owned up to them and conceded that you were right and he was wrong or at best it was a mutually agreed upon draw or no contest?

There is some perceived value for you in attempting to "Taunt", "Troll" or "Drag" him? Didn't you do that once before to no avail? What are we all missing?

Meanwhile...….. How goes the Frozen II underperforming reporting? Which is it that we are supposed to do "Stay Tuned" or "Wait for the Numbers"? I'm curious.


For starters he promised anyone that wanted the location and dates of the supposed "comic convention" that kept him off the boards when the Joker's second weekend numbers rolled in and his UNILATERAL and UNPROVOKED challenge to me hilariously blew up in his face. At least one person took him up on his offer to disclose the convention location and date and whaddyaknow...he never responded to them.


This is it? This is the big blackmail fodder? Crap. What a nerd fight. Lol


Rockfly, the beef between these two and QueenFanUsa's efforts don't even rise to the technical requirements of "Nerd" or "Geek". It's all just personal between the two.

I haven't been keeping score of this little Tête-à-tête being played out in public, but I did suggest that the two just PM each other over "Who Shot John" and get it resolved. 😎

As if I am some unlicensed mediator! 😂


You know you are no "mediator" in this case. You are squarely in billbrown's corner.

Give me a break.


[–] QueenFanUSA (2792) 8 minutes ago
You know you are no "mediator" in this case. You are squarely in billbrown's corner.

Give me a break.
Queen, I know you know better than that. I am neither pro-Bill nor anti-Queen. I have been nothing but fair, pleasant and understanding with you as well as Bill. 😎 You'll never find a post of mine that wasn't objective about ANY debate between the two of us.

As far as for Billbrown, Looks like you will be "Waiting For Godot" yet a second time. 🤣


Then we can move on to his claim of "confirmed reports" of a "special deal " that Disney got for The Lion King where they get 67% of ticket gross domestically and 55% internationally.

It's a complete fabrication. Google your heart away...not ONE "report" of this to be found.

Should we keep going down the list? Mary Poppins vs. Aquaman next?

It's your call.


And just like that...poof...billbrown has disappeared.




Speaking of hiding, how’d that bird movie work out?
