Maggie comes to, and rather than using her cell phone to call 9-1-1, she attacks Emelie?

Maybe Emelie took her phone earlier (although this was not established), but then why not go to a neighbour? Instead she decides to just jump this lady without knowing if she was armed, alone, or etc.

This is now officially the dumbest, worst movie I've seen in years.


It's sad to hear that because of that one little thing it's now the "worst movie you've seen in years". That obviously means you don't watch a lot of movies because I can name TONS of movies way worse than this from the past few years. Also, she had her head smacked against a steering wheel, she probably woke up in pain and totally disoriented. There's no way she would've gotten away anyways, as Emelie was right near the door when it happened.


i rarely gripe about the "not dialing 911" thing in movies (except the last one i watched where they already did it and chose not to the 2nd time around) becuz most times there just wouldn't be much of a movie if everyone did that. in this film, the fact that maggie didn't call didn't totally ruin it for me. i didn't find the movie very exciting but it wasn't the worst movie either.

~ TAKE the ticket!
