Dumb...just dumb. Plot holes galore *Spoilers*
This movie was a huge waste of time. Here are my complaints:
*Maggie doesn't tell the parents anything about Anna? Blonde, Height anything so they would know who she was?
*Parents go out to dinner knowing they have a replacement sitter and drink too much so they can't drive home? Give me a break...
*Way to secure that gun Dad. Good God!
*When power goes out in a house, the landline still works. Why didn't Jacob call his Mother from the house phone?
*When Jacob gets out of the house, why doesn't he run to a neighbors house to have them call the police THEN go back to the house with someone?
*Howie's Mother is so irresponsible that when her neighbors son says something's wrong with the babysitter, she does nothing but hang up the phone.
Ok I can go on and on but this was just a dumb movie and I am a HUGE fan of the horror/suspense genre. The writing was awful, the acting was so-so but the takeaway from this movie is....don't Fu...errr Mess with an 11 year old boy.