My 2 sentence review
My power went out with about 20 minutes left in the movie. When my power came back on I didn't watch the last 20 minutes because I didn't care.
shareMy power went out with about 20 minutes left in the movie. When my power came back on I didn't watch the last 20 minutes because I didn't care.
shareYou didn't miss a thing. I wish my power went out too!
shareToo bad the power in whatever device you're using didn't go out before you wrote this insightful "review". If you can't bother watching the end of it, why did you bother to come here to complain about it? I smell a troll. . .
"Let be be finale of seem/ The only emperor is the Emperor of Ice Cream"
I use IMDb quite often to make the final decision on whether or not to spend money to watch certain films. I wrote my "2 sentence review" obviously (maybe not?) with tongue in cheek and not from the perspective of someone writing an actual review but from the perspective and all knowing hindsight that I wish I had read my own 2 sentence review prior to wasting my money (a wholly futile retroactive deterrent if you will).
Everything I wrote in my "review" was accurate, the only thing I left out was that when my power came back on I used it only to eject the DVD.
If my efforts have saved just one person from wasting money and time on this movie then I feel my endeavour is pure.
I've now wasted entirely too much time talking about something I originally wasted time on, damn you, I will waste no more time on this.