celebrity name dropping

has GOT to end if they're having a season 2. i'm watching stuck in the harley car and i haven't heard this many celebrity references in one episode before now. it's like they're trying to convince us that this is taking place during our time, like we get. they don't have to make up celebs but name dropping has got to stop or calm down, kanye must be sponsoring this show because they stay mentioning him 😞


It's interesting that you mention this. I follow a blog called Lizzie McGuire Reviewed and the author of the blog has called into question the names they drop for celebrity crushes. She's called this out on several occasions as not making sense or not being a name that a young, teen girl would crush on in the early 2000s.

I agree with you, though. A name here or there every few episodes is fine so that we know it's current and so that we get the oldest sister is obsessed with the latest celeb fashion and gossip. But enough already. They beat you over the head with it.


A name here or there every few episodes is fine so that we know it's current and so that we get the oldest sister is obsessed with the latest celeb fashion and gossip.

yeah like keep a minimal just for the sister, but don't go crazy with it
