The little girl...
That plays the youngest sister is the meanest, most obnoxious, spoiled and entitled child character I have ever seen. Zuri from Jessie was bad enough, then Ava from GMW, but this is like both of them combined- x 5,000. Being cute and young doesn't make it okay to be an @$$hole!
(And the actress playing her has these enormous eyebrows and strange facial expressions when she's trying to act like a brat, which makes the end result appear that I am watching an extremely poorly trained monkey. With a lisp. We don't even have the Zuri or Ava cute points to make it slightly more bearable).
I shudder to think of every child that already is, and will be, emulating these characters and actresses. Being a jerk of a child isn't "cool", or "cute", or attractive in any way.