The little girl...

That plays the youngest sister is the meanest, most obnoxious, spoiled and entitled child character I have ever seen. Zuri from Jessie was bad enough, then Ava from GMW, but this is like both of them combined- x 5,000. Being cute and young doesn't make it okay to be an @$$hole!

(And the actress playing her has these enormous eyebrows and strange facial expressions when she's trying to act like a brat, which makes the end result appear that I am watching an extremely poorly trained monkey. With a lisp. We don't even have the Zuri or Ava cute points to make it slightly more bearable).

I shudder to think of every child that already is, and will be, emulating these characters and actresses. Being a jerk of a child isn't "cool", or "cute", or attractive in any way.


Her character is cringeworthy. At least other mean kids make me laugh. She's a brat with no redeeming qualities.

Embrace Debate.


Thank you! I shudder every time this little girl comes on camera. I hope that something changes and the writers decide to change her character. Maybe she'll have some sort of event that causes her to change her attitude. I almost want to fast forward through any scene she's in.


And I hate to say it, but she has the worse rhotacism I've ever heard in a child. It's not cute, and it's obviously not a character choice. The actress sounds like she really couldn't pronounce an "r" if her life depended on it. :/ I watch this with the girls I nanny for sometimes, and it's one of the more tolerable tv shows that they watch, but as soon as Daphne comes on the screen, I take a bathroom break...


None of these characters are even close to the most obnoxious love to hate baby sister. That would be Ruthie Camden from 7th Heaven.


Reminds me of Michelle Tanner but bitchier

Basil: Don't mention the war. I mentioned it once, but I think I got away with it.



The scary little girl seems to be a character description Disney likes to show.


I'd've gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for you meddling kids.


I feel bad for saying this, but this little girl isn't even cute. She is so bad, rude, spoiled, and just annoying. I would hate it if my child even tried to act like this. It's bad enough that she is so terrible, but the fact that she isn't even cute makes her the worst lol.


Disagree, She the cutest little girl. The actress who play her is very sweet, funny and respectful in real life.


I have seen pictures of the little girl outside of the show, and she is quite adorable. However, they make her look crazy and not so cute in the show. And, because her character is so bad, that just makes her even worse.


I totally agree


People can be so mean, esp to a lil kid. I think she's hilarious and adorbs! Fave character on the show and one of my faves across Disney.

*Nyan Cat, LGBT Rainbow of Infinity!


Daphne is mean to everyone else. She bullied Harley out of $20 cash and her favorite jacket.


Are you sure that people would be emulating her, because NOBODY wants to be like her


Are you sure that people would be emulating her, because NOBODY wants to be like her


Glad I wasn't alone about her. This show on Disney Channel is currently a tolerable one for me. I personally find the little girl the most unlikable of the siblings along with the oldest sister to a certain extent. She was awfully snotty and bratty on the show. Nothing about her behavior comes across as "cute" or really funny at all. And why is her hair always a mess??? I'm sure the young actress portraying her is kind in RL, but I just find the way her character is written off-putting.
