MovieChat Forums > Cosmos (2019) Discussion > Slow as molasses, but a pretty good movi...

Slow as molasses, but a pretty good movie.

I'd give it a solid 6/10 for a reasonably entertaining movie during the Covid-19 pandemic. These engineers were none too bright though, never thought to use their car battery or start the car. When they were leaving to should have left everything in place and come back for it. Quite a few holes, and yet still kind of interesting.


Yea, I’m half way through and want to see what happens but it is slow-going. I also like that the screenplay doesn’t perceive its audience as idiots; complex details are explained and we move on. Most films feel they have to knock you on the head with the same information ad nauseum.


Perhaps it is an experimental movie where the actual movie is kind of low sensory deprivation movie, you are sitting in a chair, watching this movie, no much is going on that requires physical arousal or tension, while these ideas are being tossed about in a way that is unemotional and not controversial, and the movie is even kind of dumb, so the viewer can feel superior is some way, or at least not intellectually threatened, and meanwhile they are being exposed to some ideas that have the opportunity and mental resources to be medicated on subconsciously, it is a heavily crafted subliminal experimental movie? How's that? ;-)


hahaha! Works for me!
