MovieChat Forums > Blindspot (2015) Discussion > Wow the brother is fixated on his sister...

Wow the brother is fixated on his sister!

Talk about obsessive (liberal) disorder. This guy just has his "sister" as his world!

What a total whack job!

Are you an SJW ? If so, please kill yourself immediately! Thanks


OMG, the writers are relentless with scenes about this. OK, we get it.

Now, it actually seems super he has incestual feelings for her. I am serious. It is THAT creepy.
Stop this nonsense!


I'd be shocked if they were even related in any way, much less brother and sister. We have no idea who either of them are or who "Shepherd" is... but I'm willing to bet that she's not only not the biological mother of either of them but she's not even their adoptive or foster mom. She's probably a handler who's been training them since they were those little kids we've been shown in the flashbacks.


I have the same feeling as well.


It was very clearly stated BY the "mother" that she was a foster mother.
Doesnt matter if the siblings are biological or not. It was his sister and its still creepy the way he goes on about her. It goes way beyond concern.

I know others feel the same way. There were plenty other clues that he is in love with her and wants to bone her. Ew.


who "Shepherd" is... but I'm willing to bet that she's not only not the biological mother of either of them but she's not even their adoptive or foster mom. She's probably a handler who's been training them since they were those little kids we've been shown in the flashbacks.

She pretty much stated that in the season premiere, Jane and her brother's parents were killed and Jane was put in some type of special forces for kids type academy and Shepard was an American soldier that "liberated" them from the academy after apartheid fell. I use the term liberated lightly because it doesn't seem like Shepard was/is overly motherly and she probably kept the 2 of them to help further her ambitions.


You and others were right about what Shepherd said but I clearly missed it when I first watched it. I rewatched that part OnDemand and realize that I got it wrong. I still don't know who any of these people really are but I don't see a problem with Roman being protective of his "sister".


I don't see a problem with Roman being protective of his "sister".

Agree, from what has been said on the show, saying they had a rough up-bringing is an understatement; all they really had was each other.

Plus, we now know he was acting under orders for Sandstorm


Well, they saw their parents killed as little Children, then were trained as soldiers before being rescued. It's only natural that they would have been very close trying to deal with that growing up and then all that happened following that. Roman then had to deal with Jane basically forgetting him for the operation without knowing if she'd ever remember him.

I think it's only natural he's worried about his sister and be hyper focused on keeping her safe after finally reconnecting with her.


Exactly. I saw absolutely nothing wrong with how they're portraying the brother/sister relationship. There was nothing sexual about it.

It's obvious that they have been through quite a bit of trauma together as children and it bonded them. They've had a bad past and the only thing that's been good for Jane is that that past has been erased for her. She can start a new. Roman? He doesn't get that. He remembers everything and for him, his lifeline is his sister. And she's now in his eyes, behind enemy lines and he's worried that something bad is going to happen to her.

In fact, I'm glad he cares this much for her. NOBODY else gives two craps about Jane. I'm hoping Jane decides to drop the FBI team like a bad habit (they're all hypocritical babies) and her and her brother decide to make their own path.


Yes, I saw nothing sexual about their relationship either.

Jane is obviously the older sibling and Roman said that she's protected him all his life, so of course he's going to be terrified that she's in a dangerous situation and he wouldn't be able to help.

Case in point, she's just been tortured by the CIA for 3 months and he didn't know (although obviously thinks it was Cade who did the torturing).


What's obsessive (liberal) disorder?


I hate to say it, but as dark and twisted as everyone's past seems to be, I shudder to even fathom why this may be...


Could be incestuous but network shows rarely go down that route. I'm guessing they are either not blood-related or the dude really has taken the 'protect my sister at all costs' thing too far.


This interview is quite good. Looks like the dynamics between Roman, jane and Mom will be intense! Also, it gives an idea of how much ahead Martin Gero plans the show.


I'm curious on how he's lost her three times. Unless I've somehow missed this on the show.


Well, her military service and now this assignment. That's two.


There was another thread on this exact same subject. I said the same thing. "Super creepy". Sorry. You all can try to explain that away and just fail. There is no other way to look at it. Obsessive to the point of very very creepy. Ew...
