A Nonsensical Mess

This season makes it clear the writers had no idea where they wanted to go with the show when they started it. They started with a premise and no substance. Amateurish.

Nothing about Sandstorm syncs with the writing from last season. What the writers came up with is a huge disappointment and not in the least bit interesting. Nothing makes sense anymore. Especially they way the show started. It's a failed experiment due to bad writing.

Additionally, the Nas character is a bad cliché. The ambiguity is forced. And her telling Jane to kill an innocent guy to keep her cover is idiotic. This is the FBI, not a Hollywood secret covert government agency operating outside the law.

As for where they're going with the the therapist, Weller's baby, Reade's repressed tragedy, etc just means they still have no idea and they're trying to throw a bunch of crap on top to hide that fact.


Nothing about Sandstorm syncs with the writing from last season.

In what way? We knew last season that Sandstorm was focused on government corruption; most of the cases revealed in Jane's tattoos were about government agents abusing their authority... protecting criminals, etc... turns out now, they are planning to overthrow the government they view as so corrupt.

And her telling Jane to kill an innocent guy to keep her cover is idiotic. This is the FBI, not a Hollywood secret covert government agency operating outside the law.

Actually, Nas isn't part of the FBI, she's from the NSA... which actually IS, in general, a Hollywood secret covert government agency operating outside the law.


"In 2013, the extent of some of the NSA's secret surveillance programs was revealed to the public by Edward Snowden. According to the leaked documents, the NSA intercepts the communications of over a billion people worldwide, many of whom are American citizens, and tracks the movement of hundreds of millions of people using cellphones. "

As for where they're going with the the therapist, Weller's baby, Reade's repressed tragedy, etc just means they still have no idea and they're trying to throw a bunch of crap on top to hide that fact.

Well... yeah. I think the 'therapist thing' is meant to be a trail of breadcrumbs that eventually reveals him to be the mole. But yeah, suprise-pregnancies and repressed childhood traumas are definitely soap opera material.

I'll agree... The show should be focusing on action, on conspiracies and 'covert' stuff. season 1 did a much better job keeping the soapy stuff subdued. Patterson had a bf who got killed, Weller thought Jane was his childhood-crush... that was as far as it went. But then, Mayfair being crooked in the past? THAT was more 'spy drama' and it fit in better with the premise.

Sometimes fires don't go out when you're done playin' with them.


I'm really surprised this actually got a second season, I only made it trough like half of the first season and was pretty annoyed by the show. The writing is so bad and predictable, all the episodes are basically the same. It's just another police procedural, a very bad one at that, wich tries to sell itself as more as it is.

Sure there is Jane Doe and all her tattoos, that always happen to be deciphered at just about the right time, but that whole thing feels more like a sub-plot the writers keep on dangling in front of the audience like a carrot on a stick, and to convince themselves "We are more than just another police procedural!"

I don't mind slow pacing, but nothing about this show feels thought trough.


I watched the first episode of season 2 and the start of episode 2 and quit. I feel like they should have ended at season one instead of coming up with the convoluted back story of Jane.


The show has gone miles beyond the shark and drowned.


I think what I actually liked was the procedural aspect of deciphering the tattoos...and the serial part is actually annoying me. I really enjoyed season 1, but season 2 is kind of losing me.

And I loved Luke Mitchell on Agents of Shield, but his character is written so poorly as Jane's brother...he looks like he wants to rip her clothes off at any second...but they're siblings? Are they biologically related? I just find him so creepy any time he interacts with her. I don't like any of the Sandstorm stuff.


tplant36, the deciphering the tattoos/procedural aspects of season 1 and the growing friendship/bond between Jane and the group were my favorite things about season 1. i miss that.







I agree this story to put everyone as a suspect, reade´s drama, and history of the baby´s kurt are clichés of clichés
