It is for sure the cucky shrink. I NEVER trusted him. Very creepy vibes.
1) Too soft spoken to the point of being creepy like a serial killer. Particularly effeminate and foppish fake upper class British accent. This guy is really a terrorist from God knows where.
2) Skin softer than a girl. This guy moisturizes three times a day. I find that very creepy.
3) Too well groomed even for a metrosexual. This guy takes longer than any woman to groom himself in the morning. I think he even has a compact. CREE-PEE!
4) Wants to suck up to the Blonde to steal her secrets and treasures. Creepy and highly suspicious.
5) Denies covertly speaking Arabic when he CLEARLY was speaking Arabic.
Mmmma ma mo mo MOLE!!!!!!! MOLE!!!!!!(reference to Austin Powers/Fred Savage if you dont get the reference)
Could be a red herring instead of a mole. See what I did there with the animal references? Sorry, couldn't resist, especially when it was right there for the taking.
As for Dr. Borden being the mole, I did a thread in which I said that if he's not the mole, the writers sure want us to think he is. I agree with other posters that he seems way too obvious now but anything's possible because we honestly don't really know who ANY of these people are. All we know for sure about Borden is that he's a very good liar. He repeatedly told Patterson that she hadn't heard what she knew she heard! I even thought she was going to let him get away with that but was glad when she called him on it... only then did he admit that he actually had been speaking Arabic. Of course, the lying and the flirty thing going on with Patterson could just have been part of his master plan. Whatever the case, I'm very intrigued by what's happening on the show (confused but intrigued) and I'm eagerly looking forward to finding out who the mole really is.
Red herring? You are probably correct. These shows rarely give out any real clues...they do give out plenty of false and misleading clues.
The writers purposely pointed to him as being the mole which in essence means he is very likely not. A guy can be hopeful. I just so loathe his silky, oily character so much. I took a poll in another thread and everybody actually LOVES this cuck. Our world has gotten so strange. Oh, well.
Hey! Hands off the chubby blonde chick! We all know you are a secret woman beater!
In every show or movie of the last few years the "suspicion on the Arab guy" always proves to be misplaced. Take that as you will, but it's a fact. I'm sure this will be the case here as well, this is one issue where I don't think the show will "dare to be daring".
In every show or movie of the last few years the "suspicion on the Arab guy" always proves to be misplaced. Take that as you will, but it's a fact. I'm sure this will be the case here as well, this is one issue where I don't think the show will "dare to be daring".
DOH! You are so correct. In Hollyweird PC land it is NEVER the Middle Eastern radical or the "peaceful Muslim" or Islam the magnificent religion of tolerance and peace. ie Quantico, The new Kieffer Southlerland show(I stopped watching for that reason)
How could I forget the cardinal rule of Hollyweird? Muslims and Arabs are 100% incapable of harming a fly.
Trust me, there will be no new and bold ground breaking new precedents set here. Especially in an election year. Yea! Open borders! Whooppee! What could possibly go wrong? Face Palm.
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Haven't we had enough of hating on Muslim? Both the religion and the followers?
During WWII, lots of movies and other forms of pop culture were made to support the decision to imprison people of Japanese decent--including U.S. citizens. Please tell me we're past that by now.
There's plenty wrong with season 2, but making the bad guys Americans is not on my list. I'm pretty sure the shrink is a red herring.
I wasn't trying to tackle the wider real-world issue. I debate such things in other contexts.
The point I was making is that, in the current state of the industry, even plot twists HAVE to be Politically Correct, and that means a whole bunch of options don't even get to the planning table for a healthy debate between the authors.
So I'm pretty confident the mole won't be the shrink (or if he will be, he will have a "good" reason for it). Same for the NSA agent, who's already explained she's had to overcome prejudice to get where she is. They aren't gonna make it appear that the "bigots" were actually right.
I agree with people saying it is too obvious. The NSA girl is also too obvious. There's the possibility that they are working together and he hides secret messages on his sessions with Jane. I know, I'm letting my imagination fly...
I was thinking Patterson, but it is not likely, she was working on the case on her own and looked clueless... But who knows?
Is this real? Or has this been happening inside my head?
Yes, Farcast. You write SO well. You just penned an amazing reply to the SJW PC guy accusing us of HATE. How typical. And how brilliant of you for your carefully crafted informative, factual reply.
Ehi Bdave101, if you're serious (you can never be sure on the boards!) thanks :)
No, I don't write for a living. [Actually, English isn't even my language ;) I bump into grammar and "style" mistakes all the time...] I'm just a guy who's been loving Cinema and TV series for years. At some point certain things that obviously come from the production side (and the political environment) start to jump at your face. ;)
2) Skin softer than a girl. This guy moisturizes three times a day. I find that very creepy. How do you know that he does 3 times a day? How can you possibly tell through the tv?
3) Too well groomed even for a metrosexual. This guy takes longer than any woman to groom himself in the morning. I think he even has a compact. CREE-PEE! How do you know how long he takes to groom? Unless they show it, and I'm pretty sure they haven't so both are just your guesses.
4) Wants to suck up to the Blonde to steal her secrets and treasures. Creepy and highly suspicious. Also a guess, assumption or whatever. You don't actually know, not yet on this one.
Ehi Bdave101, if you're serious (you can never be sure on the boards!) thanks :)
Yes, sorry about that Farscape. I forget to tag my praise comments with "Zero sarcasm intended. Honest!"
I usually remember to do that since "tone" is quite hard to tell with out hints, emoji's or an outright declaration. I usually give an out right declaration that I am NOT being sarcastic. Unless I AM being sarcastic. I prefer the straight forward approach for praise OR denigration.
Knowing now that English is not your first language impresses me even more! Carry on.
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