CIA realism

I have to say I'm really impressed with the realistic portrail of the CIA in this show. The corporate mainstream media outlets have been working double overtime to whitewash the CIA as some ethical group of good guy truth tellers when the actual truth is anything but. This show I would have thought would have bent to the pressure to show the CIA as good guys, but they haven't. They have shown the corrupt scum for what they are. The CIA has endlessly lied to the American public and infiltrated the corporate mainstream media outlets to push their propaganda lies. Google Operation Mockingbird to see for yourself. They have zero honestly and as such zero credibility. Anyone who takes their word for anything without hard proof is a total fool. Additionally the CIA does indeed use torture and assassinations and promote illegal coups. Google Operation Condor for proof. Also check out Project Phoenix to learn more about their corruption. The CIA most probably murdered President Kennedy and is currently trying to usurp the election of President Trump, violating their directive to not operate inside the United States and engaging in treason by trying to tamper with the United States Presidential election. I personally hope Trump dismantles their corrupt organization once he takes office like President Kennedy was aiming to do before they assassinated him. And I'm extremely impressed that a show like this on a major corporate network has the courage to show the scumbag CIA like they really are.
